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Contracrash / Mind Of Doll Heidelberg
Why are on a Saturday evening only 30 people in the Schwimmbad-Club( a nice location with a lot of bars and good sound) to enjoy two newcomers? Are the bands too unknown with their latest records or is it because of the expensive entrance fee? I do not know, but the live quality of both bands has surely nothing to do with it. The ... more/mehr


Covenant Helsinki
With deep gothic sadness I must note that bands like this hardly ever visit Finland, and if they do, most likely it´s for club Schatten or Lumos Gothic Festival in Tampere, or at Synapsi and occasionally at Gloria Club. Yet recently the inflow of electro/goth acts encourages certain optimism for the dark scene´s development of this ... more/mehr


Cradle of Filth / Gorgoroth / Moonspell / Septic Flesh / Asrai
Darkest Tour
Filth Fest Darkest Tour – the mix of bands and especially Cradle of Filth and Gorgoroth are auspicious arguments for a very dark concert evening or rather concert day. The tour concert almost became a little festival due to the 5 announced bands, of which for unresolved reasons one band didn´t appear. At the parking place in front ... more/mehr


Cradle Of Filth / Moonspell Hamburg
The D-Club (why did they rename Docks?!) was only half full. Last time Cradle Of Filth played there, it was packed. Just an observation. I suspect this may have had something to do with the slightly high price of the tickets, in combination with the bad weather and the fact that it was a working day, but this didn’t seem to affect ... more/mehr


Cradle Of Filth | Deathstars Zürich
This concert fits perfectly to my sinister mood, and even more sinister people, Gothic Fans in appropriate make-up and outfits, wait in front of the doors. Finally in the club the waiting continues because Cradle Of Filth have a signing session. Among the people there I discover some well-known faces, members of Swiss bands: three ... more/mehr



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