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Machete Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin, Don Johnson, Steven Seagal, Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, Lindsay Lohan and many more
Machete (Danny Trejo) is a former federal agent, who lost his family
because of drug lord Torrez (Steven Seagal). He lives a miserable
existence as a day-labourer in Texas close to the Mexican border until a mysterious stranger asks him to kill the racist senator McLaughlin (Robert DeNiro). Machete agrees to do it, but finds ... more/mehr


Man of Steel Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne and many more
Something old, something new, something blue and red.

When going to see another Superman flick one cannot expect a masterpiece without falling hard from high hopes. Keeping this in mind, “Man of Steel” is a pretty entertaining piece, especially in comparison to its predecessor, even if I canīt get it out of my head that ... more/mehr


Marie Antoinette Kirsten Dunst, Jason Schwartzman, Rip Torn, Judy Davis
The translation follows soon! The editors ... more/mehr


Marvelīs The Avengers Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth etc.
The latest Marvel movie, The Avengers is here and I have to say, itīs pretty damn good. The only reason someone could say that itīs not would be the action genre.

The movie is about the creation of the superhero league, The Avengers. Since most of the members have at least one movie under their belt, bringing in the ... more/mehr


Max Payne Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Beau Bridges, and Ludacris
Max Payne, like so many other movies made from computer games failed. Not quite as horribly as Doom, but rubbish none the less.

Mark Wahlberg has at times shown signs of not being a member of the Steven Segall group of B-class actors, but in Max Payne he failed. Basically he was just being a sad badass. Mila Kunis should ... more/mehr



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