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Comments for: Jarkko Ahola

Name: Marutta Email: a.maruta.a@gmail.com
Very good review. Hopfully I don`t understand Ilatian, so for me Nessun Dorma sound good :)

Name: Tia Murrell Email: gamyt@bigpond.com
For the first time in my life I was almost moved speechless after listening to Ave Maria. I had tears in my eyes listening to the whole album, Jarkko’s hauntingly beautiful emotive rendition of these wonderful classic songs was so breathtakingly moving and really perfect. To listen to him sing these songs they way he does is to experience Xmas the way it is meant to be experienced with feelings and joy and such warmth. I am overwhelmed by the joy I feel listening to these classic songs. Adagio was something I had never loved as much as when I heard Jarkko sing this and Nessun Dorma, he did this classical song so proud! ( I grew up in Europe and I spent each summer in Italy and to me his Italian sounded so wonderful ) What an incredible rendition, also the classic German song Stille Nacht in Finnish ( my favorite Xmas song) so wonderfully sung, and Mielenrauhaa such a wonderful song ( peace of mind) and what moving heartfelt words , I am sure this will become a new Xmas favorite for years to come. I could go on and on as there are so many moving songs but I better stop but this album is oh so wonderful and heart warming and should cement his reputation as the admirable wonderful talented artist that he truly is. What an incredible range, feel and versatility he has, he caresses the notes and brings tears to the eyes of the listener, what a truly classic Xmas album this is, one does not need to understand Finnish to buy and enjoy this album as Jarkko’s voice is universal and one understands the emotion and feelings and that is all that is needed. We love this album <3



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