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Wacken Open Air 2012 Wacken
Wacken was...well, Wacken: Sold out on mere months and lots and lots of fun and games accompanied with the usual positive atmosphere. Ever since it became the biggest Metal festival in Europe, it seems to be getting less and less Metal and more and more commercial. The list of the bands from this year is an easy starting point -there ... more/mehr


Wacken Open Air 2013 Wacken
Insane weather, mega acts, newcomers and lots of good vibes. The 24th Wacken was a true success and woke up the sleepy township, effectively becoming the focus of the international metal community. This has also been leeching into television and other media, which normally concentrates on other themes. But anyhow, whomever wishes ... more/mehr


Wacken Open Air 2014 Wacken
Wacken. To some it´s a bunch of guys standing in a field for a week. For others it´s a heavy metal holy land, and temporary escape from everyday humdrum. For more than a few people, it´s a way of life. The level of dedication to this gathering is nothing short of legendary: from the battle cries taken up across the campsites to the ... more/mehr


Wave Gotik Treffen 2009, nro 18 Leipzig
The biggest Gothic-Meeting in the world, say they: all over the whole city of Leipzig you meet the black hordes (21.000 guests). But the inhabitants like it – “the blacks are so good and full of fantasy clothed” mumbles my taxidriver, “they are so friendly, have so nice manners” the waitress happily mentions. Therefore even the tourists ... more/mehr


With Full Force 2007 Löbnitz, Leipzig
With Full Force Festival, located at the (unpronounceable) airport Roitschjora near Leipzig, has been among the classic summer destinations for Metal pilgrims for a couple of years. How does a – still pretty exhausted - survivor of those three days feel? Here you can read Christian´s festival impressions...

With Full Force ... more/mehr



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