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Rock im Park 2008 Nürnberg
From A like "Antipasti, burned" to Z like "zealously sealing a leaking tent" we experienced everything during June 5 to June 9. Life on that weekend was dominated by ‚ROCK IM PARK‘ festival that musically left nothing to be desired. Some people even arrived in Thursday´s early morning hours at Zeppelinfeld and waited for the festival ... more/mehr


Rock Power Night 2014 Pratteln
This evening is dedicated to Rock music from Switzerland and Germany: five bands will entertain those 500-600 people who found their way to Z7 despite the carnival season. The first support band – found last minute - is up on stage at 17.45h.

Victorius from Leipzig play impressive Power Metal. The band seems to ... more/mehr


Rock Sound Festival 2007 Huttwil
For a couple of years there has been a Swiss festival just offering Rock music, therefore it is a Must to go there, although the location is right in the woods, in ice-hall Huttwil, a small village in Emmental. In previous years there had been just bands from Switzerland, but this time big bands from abroad were invited. Because ... more/mehr


Rockfete 2007: Tripping Horse | Mely | Monkey Bread Tree | Purple Snake | Xenesthis | Thytopia Villach
The rain poured down in Villach, AUT, when with a 10 € investment you could see the Rockfete with Thytopia, Xenesthis, Purple Snake, Monkey Bread Tree, Mely and Tripping Horse in Hotel Kasino. Most bands were unknown to me, therefore I was curious about Xenesthis from Vienna, the likable Purple Snake and Tripping Horse who I had ... more/mehr


Rockperry 2009 Vaasa
One doesn´t really know much about Vaasa, except that it is located somewhere in the Western part of Finland and that it´s not very far away from Sweden. Once a year, though, there´s something happening in Vaasa – the Rockperry festival to which the local youth is already looking forward to since last year because the festival provides ... more/mehr



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