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Mama Trash Festival: Private Line / Gemini Five / Dope Stars Inc. / Stereo Junks! / Iconcrash / Sexydeath / Violent Divine / Vanity Beach

Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 
Web www.mamatrash.com
Datum / Date18.-19.04.2008 
Bildergalerie / Picturegalerie mamatrashfest_08 
Photos: Klaudia Weber 

This festival´s line-up stirred up curiosity already in November last year, when the artists were confirmed. So the girlies were already for a few months sharpening their kajal pencils and emptying the shelves in Morticia and Backstreet shops to make the best and most noticeable outfits for the hot hardrock and some industrial bands from Finland and Sweden. Although the festival was practically sold out, the organiser herself, Mama Trash (check Stalker´s exclusive interview) was surprised about this success! Interesting to mention that Mama run a contest prior to the event, with a tempting prize of a day pass including a chance to spend time with a band of your choice in their private backstage area. Competition conditions were to promote and advertise the festival to your best ability, on and offline, and then show the results to Mama, who then chose the most efficient helper and granted those precious passes. Two lucky girls picked the Dope Stars and had all-access to the whole closing day of the festival. (MS)

Violent Divine
Judging from the high-pitched screams when the band entered stage, the Swedes have already gathered some followers in Finland, and this was probably the least “glam” act of the whole festival. Powerful Dirty Rock´n´Roll in the style of US Rock, with a singer that strongly reminded of a young Paul Di Anno, nevertheless was just right to kickstart the party. (KW)

When there´s ‘sexy´ involved anywhere in the band, it´s bound to draw attention. And when accompanied by such juicy videos in the side screens, I didn´t know where to look and the fact that their music live wasn´t exactly what I´ve prepared for after seeing their MySpace, I didn´t mind at all. And by the look of it, most of the audience was captivated, too. Industrial, periodically slipping into hardrock, appeals to fans of all genres, although I´d like to hear more industrial beat to it. But my serious thoughts on music genres was distracted by the band´s very handsome tall blondie in bondages and makeup, who later proved to be the eye candy of the festival, both on and off the stage. The Swedes´ image as a whole was very stylish and attractive, so this made the stage performance very much worthy of the band´s name. (MS)

As a special surprise Nenne, Sonic Roots front man, came on stage to sing a duet with Sexydeath-icon Alex Frejrud. Last year this band was a positive surprise for me already (the non-official only 1-day Mama Trash happening, check STALKER Special archive) and this time they convinced me even more. Simply irresistible, a great act! (KW)

Indeed, even the name suggests a relationship with their compatriots The Crash, even more their music: very atmospheric, epic and melodic, a nice blend of Prog, Goth and Indie Rock, yet with this typical Scandinavian melancholic touch. Sometimes it got a bit too atmospheric for me, but luckily the Finns mixed some Industrial Goth in the style of German acts into their sound. Quite appealing! (KW)

Private Line
First day´s headliner didn´t fail expectations, and the Evil Knievel Factor swept Gloria at once when Sammy and Jack Smack rocked with their first riffs. The band always delivers a great show, and how could they not, with Sammy´s mesmerizing Chesire cat´s smile and Jack´s drive and all the hats, your feet unconsciously begin to tap along the catchy rock tunes. Jack got so in the mood, he even lost balance for a moment when trying to do an effective jump of Elias´s drumset, slipped and fell, but nothing spoiled the great show. (MS)

Vanity Beach
The Finns opened the second festival day, and although the looks seem like Glam, their music can rather be described as Dirty Street Rock with a touch of Old School Punk. A bit like the heavier Version of Depeche Mode, and I have to admit that they did not quite convince me. The audience had a different opinion, though, and cheered for their heroes. (KW)

Stereo Junks
After a fiery opening – literally! - the band kept the promise of a high octane energizing show, with an even more energetic front man. Passionate and regardless of his own health, Anzi (self) Destruction gave everything, just imagine a Johnny Rotten / Iggy Pop crossover... Despite of all this devotion, it wasn´t quite like last year, this Tsunami sweeping away everybody and everything, but perhaps this time I only knew already what to expect. Still, a breathtaking performance of Street Punk / Glam rocking so hard that bottles fell off the table (again, literally!)- more of that please! (KW)

Dope Stars Inc.
The Italians, proudly displaying their boy band label (read more in the interview), entertained the girls with their untamed and truly Latin spirit, excitement, danceable songs and very charming guitar players. The happy girls in the audience in their turn surely were a pleasing sight in skirts, heels, and their obviously showing garter belts, cheering for the Stars. So that´s what men buy their tickets for, when the female fraction invests their euros into festival tickets to see the famous bands. I only pity that when singing and playing, Fabrizio´s and Victor´s accents don´t come through: no wonder Italian rockers were so in demand after their performance, especially the generous La Nuit, giving juicy French kisses to all the girls, posing a photo with him. Their cover of Motorhead´s Ace of Spades, with Victor Love´s trademark vocals, was very enjoyable even to those who aren´t so much into rock music in a first place. So with confidence can be said, the demand for this industrial dope with Italian spice is definitely high in Finland, and is much needed too. (MS)

Gemini Five
Frequent on the Finnish stage, this band´s always wanted and well-received and partied to. Something along the Mötley Crüe, the Swedes´ definitely have this hardrocking gene in their systems, which is very contaminating from Hot Rod´s catchy stage act. (MS)

Mama Trash Allstars
This was an exciting surprise to wrap up the festival part and start the afterparty, which was pretty much already on during the festival, as all artisti and all attendants were hanging out and around together at ease. Allstars were stars indeed, with Deathstars´ Skinny, Dope Stars, accompanied by Hot Rod, along with Andy McCoy, Sonic Roots´ Henry, Jussi69 and Jyrki69 among the most recognisable faces, were all on stage, together with mama Trash and her team, dancing and celebrating, felt like one huge houseparty, especially when some of the audience climbed up the stage also. (MS)

Marina Sidyakina (MS), Klaudia Weber (KW)

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