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Summer Breeze 2011 - part 2

Stadt / City Dinkelsbühl 
Land / Country GER 
Web www.summer-breeze.de
Datum / Date17.-19.08.2011 
Bildergalerie / Picturegalerie siehe Text 
Photos: Cornelia Wickel 

During the night, Summer Breeze saw a thunderstorm of one´s own kind. Apart from lightning it was pouring down like crazy, for sure elephants and not cats and dogs as the idiom suggests, accompanied by heavy storm, that made you feel really, really uncomfortable in your tent, since you could only hope, that it would not collapse. Amazingly nothing bad seemed to have happened. Even though you of course saw how much had been destroyed the other day. Weirdly shaped pavillion „skeletons“, that could´ve been a part of every modern art exhibition, lots of broken tents, but luckily nothing worse. The organiser had sent out warnings during daytime, so everybody had a chance to make sure, that the tent would survive or put stuff in cars etc. Everybody, who thought, that you shouldn´t take warning that serious, saw what could happen with bad security and preparation, when the sad news of the festival in Belgium arrived, where people had even been killed during a storm, due to parts of the stages falling down.
Luckily, nothing like that happened at Breeze, the stages turned out to be really solid as well and thus the festival could continue without any delays. The only thing that might have disturbed a bit, where the mud puddles all over the area.

Trigger The Bloodshed had to start ungratefully early to warm-up the early bird for things to come on the second festival day. We were just on the way to the festivalarea, when they were already blasting their stuff into the audience. Brutal Death to get up, not bad!

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11:35 and it was time for another rather exotic band on this festival: Nervecell.
The guys from the United Arabic Emirates however, were not here to entertain the audience with beautiful oriental music, but with kickass Death Metal! They kicked off with „Flesh & Memories“, followed by „Vicious Circle of Bloodshed“. From straight-in-your-face stuff to more technically proggy stuff they had everything to offer and all songs were garnished by the brutal growling of fronter James. It was pretty early yes, but you could nevertheless see a nice amount of people in front of the mainstage and there were more and more headbangers joining them during their unfortunately too short set. After „Demean“ and „Demolition“, they deserved a well deserved applause for a captivating gig. Check them out if you don´t know them already!

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Your Demise continued with some Hardcore afterwards on the Painstage and kicked the remaining sleepy peoples´asses with „MMX“ and „Scared for life“. Judging from the huge amounts of totally crazy jumps and running, it seemed as if the guys were doing their morning sports programme right on stage. Ok, that here would´ve been extreme-sport then. Whatever happened on stage, in front of the stage, people also went crazy and started circle pits and a wall of death. „Burnt Tongues“ ended a captivating and pretty entertaining gig. How the hell are we supposed to survive this day, when the first 3 bands were already that good?!

Kalmah served a pretty different audience a bit later, but also managed to convince with their Melodeath made in Finland. After a short intro, „Hook“ spread good mood immediately. The audience was welcoming songs like „Swamphell“ and „12 Gauge“ with open arms and with that, the finns joined the bunch of „great bands“ for this years Breeze.

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While it was time for more part with Emil Bulls on the mainstage, Rev 16:8
entered the warm tentstage to please the Black Metal fans. It was somehow weird, to see the bright sunshine outside, the heat in the tent, daytime and then Black Metal inside. However lots of people had come to the tenstage to see how this band, that´s still rather unknown would be live.
„Ashlands“ was the first song that was presented to them after a short intro and the first thing that was amazing, besides the songs, were the outfits. It was hot, damn hot and those guys were wearing long coats. I have no idea how they survived, but at least the vocalist seemed to feel warm after a while. This or that way, the Swedes managed to convince with their Black Metal and even spread some dark and slightly cold atmosphere in that warm tent.

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Hail of Bullets were dismemer the Painstage and a bit further at the merchstands, you could see a huge crowd waiting, as if some gig would take place there soon as well. A small sign showed what was actually going on there, people were waiting for the merch sale of Bolt Thrower, that was supposed to start at 2:30pm. However, it was not until 3, that it finally started. Once they had opened, it was almost a little warfield and everyone, who came out of the „battlefield“, did so with a smile, holding the shirts like trophies. At least, during the long wait, they had the perfect Old School Death sound coming over from the Painstage with songs like „Operation Z“ and „General Winter“.

Until Enslaved we strolled around at the merch stands and got some food. However, it was soon time to return to the stages, since the Norwegians had to play rather early unfortunately.
I´m sure the material would´ve had an even better effect, if it had been a bit darker already. However, fans loved „Ethic Odini“, „Raidho“ and Co nevertheless and at some point, you for sure lost yourself totally in the music and didn´t care what time it was anymore. „Allfádr Odinn“ and „Isa“ ended this great gig, where Enslaved once again showed how great they are!

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In terms of daytime and amount of alcohol consumed by now, the next band for sure fitted much better. I twas time for the pink invasion! Yes, PINK at a metal festival. The only band, that would dare to invade a stage completely in pink with a backdrop in that very colour, outfits and a pink audience, are JBO. Pink audience you might wonder? Yes, thanks to the release of the new records, which was released that very day, they had distributed countless little pink flag, that almost the whole crowd was waving by now. So when it comes to the amount of people waiting there, it was easily headliner amounts! They started the pink madness with „I don´t like Metal“ and „Bolle“ and the audience had fun from minute one on. This was for sure one of the craziest and weirdest gigs of the whole festival with weird guests on stage. „Ein guter Tag zum Sterben“ and „Verteidiger des wahren Blödsinn“ finished a pretty entertaining set and I think that was the only time where pink was accepted and funny during this festival! Even though I personally thought after half of the set, that it was enough

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It continued pretty colourful, but this time it was more metal, as the Finns of Turisas were welcoming their warriors in full warpaint on the painstage. They had prepared a nice setlist consisting of „To Holmgard And Beyond“ and „One More“ for the Folk Metal fans.
Fronter Mathias Nygard did his best to get the audience going. Even though I have to say the same about Turisas, that I also said about JBO, after a while it´s simply enough. However, both bands entertained a huge crowd and everybody seemd to be pleased about the setlist.
You can like it, but don´t have to, it´s fun anyways!

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After that it was time for something completely different. No pink, no warpaint, no fun, just brutal brutal music with the Brits Bolt Thrower. For some they were the headliner of the festival.
Tons of people were waiting in front of the mainstage to witness one of the rare festival gigs of the Death Metal commando. And thanks to crazy merch sales in the afternoon, you could see a sea of BT shirts wherever you looked. „IVth Crusade“ and „The Killchain“ were rolling over the heads of the fans, flooring everyone to the ground. It was clear, that fans had been waiting for that gig the whole time and thus went totally of the rails. BT were enjoying it to the fullest, that was quite obvious and „No Guts, No Glory“ and „When Cannons Fade“ ended a brutal, formidable gig, that
once more confirmed the status of this Death Metal institution from GB. Thumbs up! [Cornelia]

Graveyard were in the same good mood as their predecessors, but the music of course wasn't that heavy. Nevertheless they enjoyed as well as the audience. Once across the whole “Hisingen Blues”-Album and as a result a perfect gig.[Markus Seibel]

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After that it was time for some totally different but nevertheless captivating music from the North: Amorphis. Same picture as before, a totally packed stage area and the only thing, that was really annoying during this gig, was the incredible amount of smoke on stage, that was there during the first three songs and which didn´t totally go away after that. It was not only annoying for the photographers, but also for the fans, since you actually want to see the band. However, apart from that „My Enemy“ and „Sky Is Mine“ were nice songs to start their gig and the metalheads enjoyed every minute of it. Tomi Joutsen was in perfect mood and delivered a flawless performance. Of course the great „House Of Sleep“ was one of the highlights of the gig, since it has become to be the sing-along-song of the Fins.

Joachim Cans and his Hammerfall-fellows are the this-year headliner for the Summer Breeze. Needless to say that the place was full of people. Hammerfall should know places like this, but nevertheless they played their asses off, showing pure fun and didn't show any routinized or lame performance, although they play since lots of years. Over 90min power and energy made Hammerfall a perfect Co-Headliner and proofed that they are still awesome. [Markus Seibel]

Kataklysm, were the next highlight when it comes to Death Metal today! Bolt Thrower are cult and Kataklysm are kickass as well and had some additional goodie for everyone today! Exactly 20 years ago, a bunch of guys had decided to form a band, Kataklysm as we know them today was born and the Canadians had decided to celebrate this with a big party and immortalize that by filming it for their upcoming DVD. I guess I don´t have to mention, that it was even more packed in front of the painstage by now. In addition to this, the band had another present for their fans, the setlist consisted of a best-of set in the truest sense of the word: At least one song from every album that they had released so far, was played. So it was a crazy ride through the discography of Kataklysm, accompanied by tons of pyros. To make sure, that the securities weren´t getting bored, fronter Maurizio announced the „security stress test“, where as many crowdsurfers as possible should surf over the heads of the audience.
After that show for sure everyone was happy, that this truely memorably gig was filmed!

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Taking The World By Storm
The Awakener
To Reign Again
Manipulator Of Souls
As I Slither
At The Edge Of The World
As My World Burns
Drum Solo
Blood On The Swans
Astral Empire
Feeling The Neverworld (Chapter III, An Infinite Transmigration)
The Orb Of Uncreation
In Shadows And Dust
Crippled And Broken
Push The Venom

In front of the Party-Stage Powerwolf the mood was good. Loking at the success of their new album, this was no surprise. The band changed from a offensive melodic-act to a band in a more calm shape, which reflects in some way their development. At least with their latest record it became clear that Powerwolf became softer. This was shown at the SB-Show where everything circled around singer Attila Dorn. The audience gave only best reactions. The place burst into fire so the new attitude works. Of course not with everyone...[Markus Seibel]

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Einherjer took the same line with less success at the beginning. But the music-style worked, maybe because of the lots of fans from neighbour countries. Einherjer made a good show but without any highlights so just the die-hard-fans saw the whole gig. [Markus Seibel]

Time is running! It was already after 1, after this damn long day, that had started at 11 with the first gigs and now the tentstage was under control of Norsemen again. What a good thing, that Einherjer had decided to reunite in 2009 after their split in 2004. Else there would hardly be any bands, that celebrate Viking Metal without warpaint, armour and other ballyhoo on stage. Of course the number of people was already decimated, due to the strenous day and because Einherjer are maybe not that popular. However, those who were there, witness another great gig with songs like „Dragons of the North“ or „Balladen om Bifrost“ (of the new album „Norrøn“). Luckily the music is really captivating, because in terms of stageacting, there wasn´t much going on. Too bad, that their gig ended after 45 minutes, like so many other gigs on the tentstage. Definitely a great way to end this day.

Cornelia Wickel, Markus Seibel

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