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Stadt / City Espoo 
Land / Country FIN 
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Leppävaaran urheilupuisto 
Datum / Date08.& 09.06.2012 
Bildergalerie / Picturegalerie Kivenlahti12 
Photos: Carina Ullmann 


The sun was shining, and also the rather short way to the festival area was coped with rather fast, once you were able to find where exactly to go to. The entry then started with an enormous delay, so that the first band of the day already was on stage whilst still most of the people were not even on the festival area.

This first band was Guns of Glory . In general, this young band is still rather unknown, which explained the amount of audience watching them play – which was not understandable, since the band managed to present a fully convincing show. A stirring start into the day, what else could you want?

A musical contrast the visitor was offered after this, and this happened thanks to a gig by
Notkea Rotta , who attracted a bit more visitors, but couldn´t really convince them as their faces told. In addition, the band tried to animate the audience with a lot of moving and joy of playing, seemed to be in the wrong sport at this festival.

The contrasting program continued – but with more rock and stirring music: Medeia offered a show that was lacking nothing – joy of playing, a lot of power and good interaction with the audience. All of this was worshipped by the ever-growing amount of audience since you were able to look at smiles on their faces and was even able to watch a small version of a circle pit and wall of death happening.

Not that exciting were unfortunately Viikate , who seemingly convinced the audience a little bit, yet were not able to win me since they were lacking the visible joy of playing and were not really moving around on stage.

Nice for relaxing and letting one´s thoughts run freely were Ewert and the Two Dragons from Estonia, who offered the festival a nicely alternative and relaxing music. You were able to see how the audience closed their eyes and just listened to the music, whilst the busy happenings all around were forgotten about for a while.

Chisu, who was the next act standing on stage, was fitting musically, just as other previous artists, not fully into the line-up. Nevertheless, she managed to win the audience thanks to her powerful voice and the passion she showed.

Surprisingly, also Jukka Poika & Sound Explosion Band were liked quite a bit; one part of the audience seemed to really enjoy the music, whilst the other was not really sure what to think about these permanently changing music styles that were offered (at least it seemed that way).

The end of the day was marked by Apocalyptica with their successful appearance. The band played a nice mixture of stirringly fast, melancholic and instrumental pieces, and also tour singer Tipe Johnson was able to fully convince the audience with his vocals. Due to some time-related problems, the band was unfortunately not able to play their full set, which didn´t please the audience.

Not as sunny as the day before, but more windy, cold and rainy, was the second day of the musically diverse festival.

Jätkäjätkät were one of the first bands of the day and were able to put the audience, which was already there in quite a big number, in a good mood with their danceable music – and that without needing put special effort in it.

Positively surprised was the audience about the Danish band Black City, who came along with rocking music and a lot of humour, and therefore conquered the audience´s heart really fast. Not only music-wise they were able to convince, but also their show was full of power and invited people to also move along – only the part of singer and guitarist Björn climbing up the stage set-up with his guitar should not be tried at home.

Just as rocking and diverse were Sparzanza - including their pyrotechnic effects which unfortunately drowned in the still too bright sky. Nevertheless they immediately knew, from the second on when they entered the stage, how to convince the audience. The appearance was a full success, the audience seemed happy and was able to let loose and did not miss a chance to actually show their happiness about the gig.

It continued with Waltari who started their gig with a rap-intro, which confused quite a few people in the audience. The rest of their appearance at the festival wasn´t as irritating as their start, but also didn´t offer any highlights worth mentioning.

Stam1na showed again a show that equalled an invitation for headbanging – and this was an invitation that the band didn´t need to even put into words, since the audience was in a really good mood already. Kirsi Ylijoki (Eicca Toppinen´s wife and singer of the band Cherry & The Vipers ) had a guest-appearance which again added a little bit of additional power to the band´s performance.

A humppa-party broke loose when Eläkeläiset started playing – a humppa-pit, dancing audience everywhere – but in the end, the audience seemed to be split into two, since many were fully enjoying themselves whilst others watched the happenings on stage with a doubting expression on their faces.

Michael Monroe and his band were, for the majority of the crowd, the highlight of the day and this was fully understandable after his simply convincing appearance. With being charming and humorous and having showed a really good interaction with the audience, alongside with really good a musical and vocal presentation of the songs, the time of the gig passed by very fast, but left a big smile on the visitors´ faces.

It continued not as convincing – the sound at the Metsätöll gig ware not causing screams of happiness, since the quieter instruments were drowning in the sound of bass, guitar and drums, and that yet again caused quite some loss of good mood in the audience.

The headlining act of the second day were Apulanta, who were able to convince the real fans with their appearance, yet the average festival visitor wasn´t really into it, since the bands before showed much joy of playing and powerful appearance , whilst Apulanta were not really able to show exactly that.

Summary: A festival that offers such a broad scope of music cannot expect only positive feedback since not all visitors want to see and hear HipHop, alternative music and rock music, as well as metal music, on the very same festival. Overall it has been, nevertheless, a festival with a family-like and really nice feel, that surely makes people attend for another time in case the line-up matches the own taste.

Carina Ullmann

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