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Trashfest V: Deathstars / Private Line / Lord Of The Lost / New Generation Superstars / Dope Stars Inc / Malice in Wonderland / Night By Night / Toxic Rose

Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 
Web www.mamatrash.com
Gloria Club 
Datum / Date5.-6.10.2012 
Bildergalerie / Picturegalerie Fotolinks im Text / the text contains photo links 
Photos: Sandy Mahrer, Klauda Weber 

Mama Trash, the popular promoter from the USA, has once again unleashed the Trashfest onto Helsinki – and nobody wanted to miss this party! People arrived from near and far – not only bands but also fans from all over Europe, so it seemed, picking up some languages or dialects at the bar or outside having a smoke. The club was quite full on both days, and the spirits high – people were even dancing to the interlude provided by Djs Skinny (Deathstars) and Miikki Kunt (V for Violence). The VIP tickets including a Meet& Greet with the band of your choice were sold out quickly, and also the Saturday seemed to be close to sold-out status, no wonder with a headliner like Deathstars – but let´s start from the beginning...

Friday October 5, 2012
began with an audience with Malice in Wonderland singer Chris Wicked in the afternoon, the interview is coming soon. In the evening the Swedish act ToxicRose had the honour to open the Trash Fest V. The style of the band could not be better, although it was founded only in 2011. Their black leather outfits with studs and all this make up make those guys a visual spectacle. Musically they are not bad either, in the beginning everything was fine, but later the voice cracked, especially in the higher registers. This band clearly needs some time to mature, but they are on a good way. (SM)

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Toxic Rose
were quite a nice opening of the festival – although they had been shopping for outfits in a Norwegian Black Metal Boutique ... luckily the music wasn´t that category but rather this kind of sound that had made bands like W.A.S.P. or Mötley Crüe really big, and also the show was rather sexy than scary. Half through the show singer Andy probably wanted a bit too much, his voice cracked and occasionally a high pitched tone hit a nerve – still, the Swedes made a very good overal impression. (KW) www.toxicrose.org

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Night by Night
This British band is one of the regulars at Trashfests and therefore gathered quite a fan crowd. Their Hardrock with some Pop appeal was a bit too calm for me, although the show made up for it. Beautiful tunes and nice voices, they pulled it off to sound pretty perfect even live. I liked the last third of the set better when they played their faster R´n R songs. (KW) www.nightbynight.co.uk

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Malice in Wonderland
They have been several times in Finland but took some time off to work on their new album, which should be out soon. During their last visits they could build a Finnish fan base, but still there was not so much going on in front of the stage. Somehow the spark was missing, but it wasn´t necessarily the fault of Malice in Wonderland. The setlist was a mixture of old songs and new tracks, and surely their hit single „Lucifers Town“ was not to be missed. Chris seemed a bit exhausted and somehow the interaction with the 2 new band members didn´t always work out, but I am sure they will fix that as soon as they focus rather on touring than sitting in the studio. (SM) malice-in-wonderland.com/site/

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Dope Stars Inc
is a band you know for their party quality. Eccentric, crazy and somehow not from this planet. Well, their show in Helsinki was not really a spectacle - with the exception of Fabrice, who was jumping around on stage all the time as if stung by a wasp. I have seen much better shows of this band than this one. Singer Vic wasn´t 100% present, so it seemed, which disappointed me the most. (SM)

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What else to say about those Italians than “party party party”? Which happened in front of and on stage... Sometimes there was so much going on that you could hardly decide where to look first – a great gig of first day´s headliner! (KW) www.dopestarsinc.com

Saturday October 6, 2012

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New Generation Superstars
had a bit of a rough start as they entered stage soon after doors opened, that means the majority of fans was still on the way... The lack of audience set back the feeling a bit, even though the guys gave it all and even used the new “catwalk” for some solo performances. But luckily the situation changed, at the latest with “Hellcity”, the party got started. The guys from Sherwood Forest rocked the stage with Garage-R´nR and Punk attitude (e.g. Star, Come Over). When guitarist Davey noticed, "it´s hot in here", AJ took off his shirt – although fans and photographers might have enjoyed his losing the hat more ... The audience gladly sang along with Guess What (“get fucked”) – and then it was over, what a pity... (KW) www.newgenrocks.com

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Lords Of The Lost
faced a full venue with a nicely warmed up audience, people were dancing even in the very back of the hall. Admittedly it´s difficult NOT to move hearing this catchy Industrial/Gothic/Rock/Metal of this German band. They started with a cover song, though, namely Backstreet Boys “Everybody”, and they also ended the set with a cover (Lady Gaga “Bad Romance”). As there was still a little time left, they entertained us with “Closure” - but then the set was done ... (KW) www.lordofthelost.de

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Private Line
are not to be missed at any Trash Fest, and in my opinion those guys can easily do the headliner´s job, Deathstars or not. Personally I think they put so much more effort in their show, especially singer Sammy. They also proved that their new song material works nicely live, and also the slower tracks appealed a lot to the audience. What a pity that they were the only Finnish band in the line-up, because I for example could easily watch Lord of the Lost or Deathstars anywhere else and don´t need to come to Finland for that - but for this evening those Finns were the right choice, although their music did not quite go with the Industrial LotL and Deathstars. Their show was the highlight of Trash Fest V for me. (SM) www.privatelineweb.com

Yet it was obvious just with the fans´ outfits which band they have all been longing for:

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Whatever you had experienced before as being pushed around, the heat – it got even worse. The only option to see something (or take photos) of the guys was from the balcony... And indeed, from here it was nice to watch how the guys around front man Whiplasher pulled off a wild and occasionally violent show... Whiplasher also used the cat walk as such, meaning he posed supermodel-style in between his flirts with the front row girls...

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One of those was later even allowed to sing a few lines of a chorus. Well, maybe not such a good idea, from the viewpoint of a musical purist... The Swedish act pulled through a tight and highly energetic Best-Of-Set containting e.g. Blitzkrieg, Trinity Fields, Semi-Automatic Mark of the Gun, Tongues, Death Dies Hard. Great gig, great show – what else... (KW) www.deathstars.net

Mama Trash Allstars
It´s a tradition that this All Star Band plays as final act, e.g. LotL-Chris Harms´ sister Christa performed Song Whole Lotta Rosie – namely Chris himself dressed up as a woman, what he had done also last year. Well, I´d strongly suggest to consider a sex change because he looks super-hot! Part of this all-star line up were also Chris Wicked singing Li’l Devil (The Cult), Sammy Altonen singing Mötley Crüe’s Kickstart My Heart and together with Anzi Destruction Velvet Revolver´s Slither, then Acey Slade and Anzi Destruction performed together The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson. Very Special Guest this time was Johnny Lee Michaels who sang the Song Hurt by Nine Inch Nails. (SM)
Summary: Once again a good festival to meet old and new friends – but please next time consider a solution for press photographers, because fans in the front row hardly ever want to make room, or restrict their urges to move a bit...

Sandy Mahrer (SM) Klaudia Weber (KW)

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