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On A Dark Winters Night

Stadt / City Oberhausen 
Land / Country Germany 
Web www.angelzoom.de
König Pilsener Arena 
Datum / Date28 Dec 2004 
Bildergalerie / Picturegalerie On_A_Dark_Winters_Night 
Photos: Jasmin Froghy 

Silent the snow falls – but in Oberhausen it rested neither silent, nor stiff. And how could it? Oberhausen was visited by a huge Rock-Hurricane: since early afternoon black dressed people streamed in the direction of the arena, physically and psychologically focused on a whole day of music.

Angelzoom started right in time at 4 pm and the hall began to fill up. The dainty front woman of angelzoom, Claudia Uhle, was a little bit hold back, nearly shy – it was her first public performance – but this stopped during the gig. With her silent, emotional ballads she earned agreement. Unfortunately the special „something“ was missing in the performance and the masses demanded something harder and therefore Secret Discovery and Apoptygma Berzerk were right in time and performed.

As After Forever from the Netherlands entered the stage the atmosphere was rising up immediately. Symphonic Metal at its best: The female singer Floor Jansen convinced visually and vocal and provoked some male unconsciousness in the first row. With a furious gig and much applause the Dutch said goodbye and Suicide Commando hopped on stage.

What followed then was a frown in the forehead. On big screens pictures of Suicide victims of all kind (shot in the head, open veins, crashes and so on) were shown and the mastermind Johan Van Roy was hopping around on stage like a wild chicken while techno/electro beats were played. Some said it was amusing, some repulsive, but the most only boring and stupid.

How nice that our „Meet & Greet“ with Nightwish freed us from this miserable situation. With our winners Inge and Silvia the tour manager Ewo picked us up at the backstage-entry and accompanied us through the holy halls. In front of the Finns dressing room our girls caught a deep breath and than it started. The two were kindly greeted by their idols, got a beer with the question: „Who did you like the most?“ by bassplayer Marco. „Where are you from?“ bandleader Tuomas asked, „Did you ever see us playing live?“ guitarist Emppu wanted to know and „How are the people outside?“ drummer Jukka was interested. „Just let the girls relax a second – this is like a interrogation“ Ewo interrupted the question-process and earned a thankful smile from Inge and Silvia. After all had sat down, there was drinking, talking and much laughing. Time went by very fast, till Tuomas had a look at his watch and terrified „Shit, we are playing in a minute“. Quickly we said goodbye, some photos were made and we wished them good luck for the show.

As Nightwish appeared on stage a little later, the atmosphere was at its best. With the huge cracker „Once“ the Finns started and catched the crowd from the first second on. After one hit after another: From „Planet Hell“, „Kinslayer“ to „Wishmaster“ and „Wish I had an Angel“. As Frontdiva Tarja started to sing the hymn „Sleeping Sun“, nothing could stop the goose pimples. Thousands of lighters were hold intact and Inge wavered with tears in her eyes „What a great day! Thanks STALKER!!!

Jasmin Froghy

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