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The Way Of Darkness: Parsifall | Cutthroat | Final Breath | Equilibrium | Infernal Blasphemy

Stadt / City Bamberg 
Land / Country Germany 
Web n/a
Live Club Bamberg 
Datum / Date21 Oct 2005 
Bildergalerie / Picturegalerie Michael Klimczak 
Photos: Elisabeth Kopp, Michael Klimczak 

The first surprise hit us right at the entrance. A sign beneath the door informed the guests, that the headliner Nocte Obducta had to cancel due to an ill guitarist. Positve was, however, that the organisator tried it´s best to grant the fans a nice, metallic evening. Therefore he reduced the ticket prices, Final Breath and Equilibrium were allowed to play longer and Infernal Blasphemy was hired as a replacement act.


Right after eight ´o clock, Parsifall, a Hardcore band from Würzburg, opened the evening with heavy tunes, while the hall of the Live Club was about half-filled, yet. These tunes were guided by the lovely voice of their female background vocalist, which, unfortunatelly – as well as the clean vocals of frontman Dave Hopkins – didn´t always work that well with the music. But as long as Dave grunted through the songs, the opener presented quite a nice show.


Older men with curly hair appeared next on stage and many fans of the harder faction seemed to fear a poor Grave-Digger-Imitation. These were, however, even more surprised, when Cutthroat started through and showed off their excellent Thrash-Hardcore… Only few people knew them before but from song to song, the crowd of headbangers in front of the stage got bigger and bigger and the reactions from the audience were that good, that Cutthroat entitled the gig as “the best concert [they] played so far!” With this gig, Cutthroat have definitely earned the label “worthwhile”!

Final Breath

The guys from Kronach were followed by the well-known Final Breath from Gemünden. Meanwhile, the Live Club was almost filled and the band showed off with another excellent, energetic gig. Throughout all the Songs, the audience could watch Eumel, heading from one explosion to the next! They mainly played songs from their latest record “Let me be your tank”, but old ones like “To live and to die” were performed as well.


Finally it was time for the long anticipated Equilibrium – which, due to Nocte Obductas cancellation, held headlinier-status. Many of those that seemed fatigue of the great gigs before, quickly found new face to bang their head for the band. Viking screams from the throats of the fans filled the club, especially when hymn-like songs as “Met” (that also was consumed a lot) or Nordheim – which was dedicated to a young man coming from that town – were performed. Generous, frontman Helge handed out water to the thirsty people in the front line. After playing almost every song from their debut “Turis Fratyr”, the audience still wanted more and therefore, Equilibirum entered the stage again to crown their gig with “Nach dem Winter”, a song that can only be found on their demo tape so far.

Infernal Blasphemy

When Infernal Blasphemy took over the stage after altering the drumkit, many of the guest already were on their way home. About half of the others also left the club after the first couple of songs, probably because Infernal Blasphemy didn´t really fit into musical frame, set for the evening. However, they didn´t seem too upset about and though they seemed to be a little bit bored, they tried their best. Finally, they managed to get some tired metalheads in front of the stage – by handing out free CDs. Therefore these guys showed their gratefullness with a little moshpit on the songs left.

Although Nocte Obducta had to cancel their Gig, it was realley a nice evening for the metalheads, especially due to the great Gigs of Cutthroat, Final Breath and Equilibrium. The Way Of Darkness II is yet planned for April 2006, this time, if everything works out fine, with Nocte Obducta, headlining.


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