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- Rezension: KONZERTE - CONCERTS -

Pungent Stench, Eisregen

Stadt / City Essen 
Land / Country GER 
Web www.pungentstench.net
Zeche Carl 
Datum / Date19 Jan 2005 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Pungent Stench 
Photos: Sebastian `Roadie´ Sonnak 

A nice, cold Wednesday evening in the Ruhr Basin...
More exactly, in the Zeche Carl in Essen. Three band, for which you would expect the usual number of visitors. Far from it! About 300 people, mostly dressed in black, gathered together in the Zeche Carl.
The four guys of Collapse7 opened the evening. The band of the ex-but-at-the-moment-in-Pungent Stench bass player Mario say they play "Apocalyptic Death Metal". The music belonging to this definiton sounded like a mixture of Zyklon, Gorefest and an air raid onstage: aggressively and ominously, Collapse7 presented their evil death metal to the people. The music isn’t just brutal, but also contains dark melodies with a lot of groove at the same time, which bring a raven black atmosphere to the sound of the quartet. Mario, who doesn’t use the mic a lot in Pungent Stench, was able to show what he can do with his voice: it’s a powerful, deep grunting organ, that reminds one of Jan of Gorefest. In spite of all this praise, one has to admit that the music isn’t very innovative and it didn’t inspire the audience to much more than a polite applause. After a good half an hour, the show was over.

Headliner? Support? What is more accurate in regard to Eisregen? Obviously: HEADLINER.
About 80% of the young people present have only come to the concert to see Eisregen. The flock of black gothic girls together with their equally black company, crowd in front of the stage as the first notes blast from the speakers. The sound is very good indeed, so that you can even hear the young lady on her violin over the black metal/polka noise. Songs like “Der Ripper von Rostow“, „Nur Dein Fleisch“ and „Am Glockenseil“ don’t miss their goal. The singer, who during his announcements at times sounds like a dark German story and rrrrolls the „R“ even better than Till of Rammstein, has the audience in his grasp. The calls for songs from the „Bösen Deutschen Behörde“ get louder and louder. After a short explanation the band plays a song, to which the audience is supposed to sing, since the singer is forbidden by law to sing it. Well, whether that was necessary, is questionable. You couldn’t hear anything but the band. After a good hour, lots of rolling „R’s“, wicked lyrics and a few drinks on my side, Eisregen left the stage with an applause worthy of a band that’s secretly the headliner!

Was the concert over or would there be a meeting of the horned ones with the fans? The about 200 Eisregen fans didn’t seem to be very interested in Pungent Stench and they quickly left the hall. Did that ruin the atmosphere? Not at all. The Pungent Stench fans that had showed up, got exactly what they came for. Groovy death metal, with announcements of good and evil from the singer. Fro example: “The next song fits to Mooshammer (?) like a fist in an asshole: A Choke for the Choke!“
The three Austrians rocked more with each song. You could tell they enjoyed playing, which is not always so with death metal bands. Many announcements you had to listen to three times to undertan them. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to speak with such a heavy Austrian dialect. But who wants to hear what is said between songs, when the music comes across all the more brutal! Songs like „Sputter Supper“, „Splatterday Nightfever“ and „Shrunken & Mummified Bitch“ grooved so much, that even I couldn’t help nodding along.

Finally, they played a cover version of „La Bamba“! Hello? „La Bamba“ by a death metal band? Fair enough, it was fun to watch the normally angry metal heads jump around merrily, trying to sing along to the spanish lyrics. Overall a very solid performance by the three hooligans, which didn’t really come across in this tour line up. A different combination might have been better. And during the long way home, what to do to ridd myself of these loud tones... Where did I leave my Mozart CD?

Sebastian `Roadie´ Sonnak

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