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- Rezension: KONZERTE - CONCERTS -

Kreator / Exodus / Death Angel / Suicidal Angels

Stadt / City Oberhausen 
Land / Country GER 
Web www.turbinenhalle.de
Datum / Date27.11.2010 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Kreator10 
Photos: Timo Päßler 

While the public are watching the so called ``Big Four``, happens a package that is at least so funny as the guys from America. Especially because Death Angel or Exodus could also be part of the ``Big Four`` tour.

Originally, the situation for the concert today is not so perfect. Close to Oberhausen there are two more metal concerts: Samael and Finntroll in Essen and Scorpions and Edguy in Dortmund.

More photos in the gallery, you find the link in the header
Nevertheless the venue is really well filled when Suicidal Angels are entering the stage. The Greek newcomers are making full speed from first second. Because of the enthusiastic show and the good sound the audience warms up very fast and celebrates with the guys. The 30 minutes reveals that thze songwriting is still quite simple and monotonous, but this can still be improved…

More photos in the gallery, you find the link in the header
…like Death Angel. The songwriting of the 5 guys is much more versatile and also more fascinating. No matter if older stuff like `Seemingly Endless Time` and `Voracious Souls` or newer material like `Truce` or Thrown to the Wolves`, Mark Osegueda and his sidekicks are pushing the audience to new maximums. Because the total playing time – due to today`s billing position – is quite short, many classics remain unplayed. 100% killing songs like `Lord of Hate`, `Kill as One` and `3rd Floor` are really missed. Nevertheless a superb gig by one of the best Thrash Metal live bands on the planet!

Then it is time for the next Bay Area original: Exodus means less detailed songwriting than Death Angel, but instead pure brutal power. But it doesn`t matter, the crowd really turns up in front of the stage and celebrates the veterans. No matter if newer material, like the opener `Ballad of Leonard and Charles` or the following `Beyond the Pale` or oldest stuff like `A Lesson in Violence` or `Bonded by Blood`, every song hits like an armor piercing granade with a devasting warhead. But it is quite strange that the guys around Gary Holt choose a new song (`Good Riddance`) as their closing track. By the way, concerning Gary Holt: This guy belongs to the Metal guitar players wiht one of the coolest looks on stage. And Rob Dukes is definately one of the most insane frontmen on the planet. I really would like to know what stuff this living vocal weapon system does inject infront of each show…

More photos in the gallery, you find the link in the header
A short time later, it is time for the grandmasters of German Thrash Metal, Kreator. The opening `Violent Revolution` is some sort of classic yet. Therefore the first rows are already going crazy to the anouncing `The Patriarch` and the first wave of crowd surfers makes the security guys in the pit really sweat. What comes in the next 90 minutes are a travel through Kreator`s huge back catalogue. From old (`Terrible Certainty`, `The Pestilence`), over medium old stuff (`Phobia`, `People of the Lie`) to new material (`Enemy of God`, `Hordes of Chaos`), everything is considered. But it is really a pity that this nothing more than business as usual. Why not taking the risk and playing some rare stuff, just like `Nonconfermist` or `Awakening of the Gods`? When there is no new album to promote, there would be the chance to play something more exotic.
But concerning the stage designe, Kreator had a really good idea. In the past, Kreator shows were allways quite static because Mille allways had to stay close to his microphone. So why not making him a bit more flexible? In order to achieve that, they simply put 3 mics along the front of the stage and 2 more on the extended drum raiser. A simple measure, but really effective!
At the end of their 90 minute show, Kreator are announcing the release of a new album. The only problem: it will be released in 2012…

A really hard and well-done evening. The sound was allways good to brilliant and all involved parties (fans, bands, etc) did their really best to make this one unforgetable. I would like to see something like this again!

Timo Päßler

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