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Crib45 – 10 years celebration / Incredible Brainshells

Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 
Web www.crib45.fi
Datum / Date14.11.2014 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Crib45_anniv 
Photos: Klaudia Weber 

There are a couple of CDs / vinyls that have a special “heavy rotation” value for me, and one of them is the Crib45 debut “Metamorphosis” ... naturally their 10 year celebration gig cannot be missed. Yet I decided to drop by “fashionably late”, as the opening act did not really ring a bell... And I was flabberghasted about a packed Semifinal shortly after the

Incredible Brainshells had begun their set - I have hardly ever seen this club that full that early... As I found out later, it was a reunion after 20 years which the Brainshells celebrated with a highly energetic and intense show (which included their version of “Last Breath” as a bow to the headliners). Cannot pin down their style, there´s Punk feeling as well as Led-Zep-Rock and Prog and some Guns´n´Roses moments, therefore I simply let Crib45 mastermind Teemu explain:

“In the early 90´s there was this 15 years old music enthusiastic kid who spent all his days playing guitar in his room and listening to different bands. Then one day that kid stumbled onto this weird grunge band which combined all the greatest aspects from grunge and metal bands and he was sold instantly. Those guys noticed it and took him under their wings and took him into their family and opened a door into the alternative music scene, introduced the kid to all of the bands in the scene and showed what happens behind the facade of the obvious live show that happens on the stage. During those years it became clear to me that it was something that I wanted to do as well and those guys lit up a spark of writing my own music that after that turned into myself becoming a musician. I asked the guys if they wanted to make an comeback for this event and surprisingly they wanted to do that. So after almost 20 years after they broke up, I had the chance to fulfill the 20+ years long dream to share the stage with Brainshells. So short story long, without Brainshells Crib45 wouldn´t exist.”

Naturally this was not the only surprise Crib45 came up with for their 10year anniversary gig: Their show provided two full sets (with a break in between), the first consisting of cover versions (some of those Teemu had been eager to perform for a long time), the second of their own material, beginning with the early demo / EP songs. A nice way to take the audience on a journey through the entire band history... emotional and intense, from mere whispers to full-blown noise explosions, just the way I like it. Happy B-day, Crib45, and looking forward to your next decades!

More photos of all bands in the gallery, link in top section!
An impression of the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvGHUe15xn8

The first set:
A Perfect Circle - The Noose
Khoma.- Army of One
Deftones - Passenger
Nine Inch Nails - Reptile
Callisto - The Fugitive
Cult of Luna - Ghost Rail

Second set
A Brief Comfort
As I
Last Breath
Waiting For Deliverance
Into the Abyss

Klaudia Weber

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