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The Blackout Argument Remedies
To be quite honest: Hardcore is not my cup of tea. But I really like the sound of the Munich based The Blackout Argument. Surprisingly because this band´s history only dates three years back. I have rarely heard such a sense for cool hooklines, overwhelming choruses and well-thought, mature song structures of such a young band.

Most ... more/mehr


The Blackscreen Tiny Melodramas
The Blackscreen was founded in autumn 2009 and are already releasing their debut album , self-produced by the foursome from Nuremburg. “Tiny Melodramas” is something for Emo-Rock Fans, and I have to admit that I find it too one-dimensional. The vocals do not change at all, no matter if aggressive or happy – it sounds the same all ... more/mehr


The Blackscreen The Ghosts That Haunt Us
After releasing their album „Tiny Melodramas“ and playing numerous gigs, The Blackscreen now publish their latest EP „The Ghosts That Haunt Us“. On it, you´ll find seven songs, of which the seventh is a bonus track. The band calls the whole thing “Death Pop” but, not with the best will in the world, can I hear anything Death here. ... more/mehr


The Blanko Into The Silence
Into The Silence is The Blanko´s much awaited second album. The Finnish power trio of modern retro rock (as they themselves define their musical genre) was signed to Sony Music after their first album, Flying Colours, clearly made someone notice the skills of these guys. For a few years already I´ve thought this band is one of the ... more/mehr


The Boatsmen The Boatsmen
With their eponymous debut, The Boatsmen from Örebro/Sweden enter the rock ´n roll and punk rock scenes of this planet and, indeed, leave a very lasting impression. The Punk´n Roll the four Swedes created sounds like passed out nights and devastated living rooms. Some time ago, the Ramones must have fucked Turbonegro and the Beach ... more/mehr



Aktuellste Rezensionen
Donald Cumming
Poets of the Fall
Dieser Befehlston verletzt meine Gefühle
Dirge / Crib45
True Detective
English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll