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Jorn DIO
DIO is an homage to one of the biggest and best singers in rock/metal of the past 30 years – of course, we´re talking about none other than Ronnie James Dio himself. And who better could pay homage to him than the new “King of Voices”, Jorn Lande. Jorn, who is famous for his distinctive, versatile voice, lets the old songs from the ... more/mehr


Jorn Live in Black - LIVE CD/DVD
Jorn is back. Barely a year goes by without musical news from the Northman. One can only say: Thank God! Cause he ranks as a living legend among the giants of the history of rock.

After he, last year, released his tribute record for Ronnie James Dio and was also present at the last gig of Heaven & Hell at Victoria Park ... more/mehr


JORN Bring Heavy Rock to the Land
Three years after the release of his latest records „Spirit Black“ and about two years after his tribute record “DIO“, the Norse Metal god is back. And let me tell you, you won’t be disappointed by this record. It starts with a slower song “My Road” which only consists of vocals and a few background guitars. The following title ... more/mehr


Jorn Symphonic
The release of a new record from Master Lande almost belongs as much to my life as getting older. Year after year, I am looking forward to new songs and listen to the record a dozen times just to find a small fault in his singing. This could be the final prove that this fellow isn´t really of godlike descent.

Seriously ... more/mehr


Jorn Traveller
Is there anybody else who releases records as regularly as Jorn Lande? I don´t think so. The Norwegian churns out album after album, year after year. And this year, we get treated with not one but two records. Besides “Symphonic”, a re-make of old songs with some orchestration in the background, Jorn now releases his official new ... more/mehr



Aktuellste Rezensionen
Loputon Gehennan Liekki
As You Wish
Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride
The Poodles / Pretty Wild
True Detective
English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll