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50 Foot Wave Golden Ocean
This CD isn't suitable for snuggling up to your girlfriend, but very suitable for pogoing with your friends. When Kristin Hersh starts to sing, I always think to myself: "Count to 1-2-3 ... and there we go." Her voice sounds a bit like Grand Dame Courtney Love's. The music is appealing, let's call it alternative ... more/mehr


5Bugs Tomorrow I´ll Play God
With „Tomorrow I´ll Play God“ this quintet delivers a consistently convincing new record. The eleven songs are very varied and stirring. In particular the song „Appetite at first sight“ sounds as if these guys have years and years of experience as musicians. As is customary these days the lyrics are in english, which fits the music. ... more/mehr


69 Chambers War on the Inside
This is not meat and it is not fish. This is not Rock music and it is not Metal music. I really don`t know what to do with the trio around vocalist / guitar player Nina Treml. Rockers would think that this stuff is too hard, especially beacause of the many double bass parts, while metalheads would think that this is too cheesy, not ... more/mehr


69 Eyes, The Angels
“Angels” is the logic follow-up to their “Devils” album, but these creatures come here in black leather and wings of steel. I am not sure, but is the title track even using a variation of the “Devils” riff?
Yet for me it is the second track “Never Say Die” which is characteristic for the whole album: Somehow updated, fresher ... more/mehr


7 Weeks All Channels Off
Something different from France, not just the usual Grindcore. „ALL CHANNELS OFF“ is the debut of 7 Weeks. This band from Limoges was founded in 2006 and became so famous with their EP „B(l)ack Days“ so that they could tour through France. 7 Weeks are inspired by Stoner Rock, Post-Grunge and Heavy Rock, and you can definitely ... more/mehr



Aktuellste Rezensionen
Big Wreck
As You Wish
Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride
Finntroll / Wolfheart / The Man-Eating Tree
True Detective
English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll