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Tasters Reckless Till The End
Visually the Italian quintet leans towards Sleaze Rock. The info sheet of the band states that they make Metal Core, but what I heard earns its own category. “Reckless Till The End” is peppered with electronic and Death Metal influences and occasionally has some Gothic effects, but sometimes it´s a bit too pop for my taste. That, ... more/mehr


Tattooine Cheer-Ups for the Stressed and Depressed
So, this album is supposed to serve as a ´Cheer-up for the Stressed and Depressed´ – well, I´m in the right mood today, with all the rain outside. The bandname makes me secretly hope for a rock´n´roll outfit, somehow playing cool music. But all my hope is knocked on the head when I read what music is really waiting for me. Indie, ... more/mehr


Taunusheim Nebelkämpfe
A grimm Teuton, his long hair waving in the wind, holding a bloody battle axe on his way home to his wife through a dark forrest with a beaker of mead - this is the kind of image Taunusheim want to bring across on their debut album. The mixture of black metal and folk elements developes a certain charm in the course of the 7 tracks ... more/mehr


Tears of Magdalena Myths and Legends
After the notable changes (which from my opinion equals to a total collapse) of Nightwish; after After Forever declared their own end, the field of female-fronted classic symphonic metal scene is seeing its last quality days. Yet there is still hope and it is because of bands like this, Tears of Magdalena, it is possible to hope ... more/mehr


Tellus Terror Ez Life DV8
Science and Metal music? Sure that works nicely, not only for the Higgs Boson sonification (youtube.com/watch?v=SXEnDM3hydM) - intelligence and the love for some rougher sounds do not exclude each other (even though e.g. Hollywood products try to convince us otherwise). More proof is provided by the debut album of our ... more/mehr



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Acoustic Revolution
As You Wish
Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride
True Detective
English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll