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HIM XX – Two Decades Of Love Metal
The Finish band HIM returns two years after their last record with a new best-of album called ”XX – Two Decades Of Love Metal“, which is a compilation of the band´s singles from the last 20 years. With their melancholic sound of love metal, the band easily puts a spell on every listener. The album opener, “Strange World”, is, however, ... more/mehr


Himinbjorg Europa
The connection between pagan metal and France isn’t so obvious, when you think about the musical spectrum of our western neighbours. This reminds one, not quite suprisingly, of Scandinavian pagan metal, but sadly the sound also reminds one of great feats of 80’s productions. The guitars are muddled, the vocals are too seperated from ... more/mehr


Hindoslem The Haste, The Calm And The Glorious Days
Those Austrians present, after three years of hard work, their third album, and I can say the long wait was worth it. For "pimping their band", Christopher, Michael and Alex hired another guitar hero, the exceptional Irish talent Barry O’Mahony, and adding an important element which is present in those incredible guitar riffs and ... more/mehr


Hipérion Hipérion Rise
You don´t need to read the band info to realize right after the first few notes that this Portuguese band is totally into traditional metal. The debut album of this young band – which has gained a reputation as an excellent live act in their home country – gives kudos to Iron Maiden (in the Paul di Anno era), but there is also a ... more/mehr


Hiss From The Moat Misanthropy
"Misanthropy" by the Italian Black/Death Metal band Hiss From The Moat was released quite some time ago, and the reason, why nobody at stalker.cd took notice of it, is probably because of the not very creative cover artwork. But, after giving it a try, the album turned out to be surprisingly good. Belonging to the sub-sub-genre Blackened ... more/mehr



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