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Egoist Ultra-Selfish Revolution
The founder and only member of this project is the 22 year old multi-instrumentalist Stanislaw Wolonciej. Despite his very young age, he was able to make himself a name as a fabulous songwriter and musicians. ``Ultra-Selfish Revolution`` appears to be not only the name of the new album, but also the content of it. Maybe Wolonciej ... more/mehr


Eigensinn Die Wahrheit
For many years the German band Eigensinn have made their mark with impressive live-shows, now they give us their debut album „Die Wahrheit“. It took them four years to finish it, and it was worth taking so much time. The music, a good mix of Gothic, Metal and Alternative Rock, stands out with remarkable riffs and powerful drums. ... more/mehr


Eilera Precious Moment
Usually STALKER reviews only full albums but here we made an exception. How could you describe this work? Eilera´s „Precious Moment“is somewhere between Irish and Finnish folk rock, Björk, drama, melancholy and a day in a forest. A beautiful, soft female voice sings to not quite conventional but on the other hand still classical-tinged ... more/mehr


Eilera Fusion
Eilera – alias Eilera und Loïc Tézénas - from Montpellier, France, release their second output „Fusion“. Both musicians have been active for 10 years in Melodic Metal bands like Kalisia and Chrysalis aktiv. Their cooperation began in 2000 and lead 2006 to the release of their EP “Precious Moment”, produced by Hiili Hiilesmaa, via ... more/mehr


A siren from German countries lures with her charming voice; sitting dreamy on a mournful island, surrounded by electronic waves. Not rather happy, but generally poppy the lady with light singing and sometimes childlike timbre invites to get into her world.

In the beginning this world doesn't seem to be very unknown - the ... more/mehr



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