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Harlots Betrayer
The second album of the Harlots is again a 1000 % fist into the listeners´ faces. Punk attitude, Hardcore beats and Death Metal vocals are the ingredients of the song dish that this US quartet serves. But if you expect to be run over by a sound locomotive, you are totally wrong! There are so many breaks for the locomotive to get ... more/mehr


Harm The Nine
It´s nothing spectacular, but not shit either.
In general, the album takes time to open up; the first two songs aren´t too out of the ordinary, but the later tracks take some surprising twists and turns. Especially “Hand me Down Virtue” goes through a pretty big spectrum of genres. The main change occurs around the third track ... more/mehr


Harmaja - same -
Harmaja has been existing for 3 years as a project of the well-known Charon and Northern Kings singer J-P. Leppäluoto. The music is influenced by NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS and MORRISEY. The Finnish lyrics show the gentle and mystic side Leppäluoto´s. For him a dream became come true by releasing this debut record of Harmaja. In ... more/mehr


Harmonic Generator When the Sun Goes Down
I was a bit surprised to read that Harmonic Generator are from France because they sound anything but French. The fivesome has done a lot to make their debut record as perfect as possible and it was all worth it. They even organized an extensive stay in Australia to not only learn the language but also to inhale Rock´n´Roll history ... more/mehr


Harms&Kapelle Meilenstein
The Hamburg Chris Harms, grew up with cello and classical music, has gained experience as a singer, guitarist and songwriter in several bands as Philiae, The Pleasures, Unterart or Big Boy before the dark rock band Lord Of The Lost has found a growing number of fans and much attention and recognition since 2007 by international ... more/mehr



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