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Snatch Club True Kids Superbrawl
The problem I face with Snatch Club is the same with bands like Meshuggah; the singing is just shit. There are two vocalists; one is a weak version of Dany Filth and the other just growls incomprehensibly. Not everyone can beat skins in rhythm, or shred the shit out of a six-string, but just about anyone can sing like these two.

One ... more/mehr


Sober Truth Riven
Most people may not know SOBER TRUTH because the band around frontman Torsten was founded in Siegburg near Bonn, Germany in 2007. With about 36 min of playing time, the 13-track-CD is quite short, but we are used to this from many bands nowadays.

Musically, the guys take a good look across the big pond and feel comfortable ... more/mehr


Sodom Sodom
The translation follows soon! The editors ... more/mehr


Sodom The Final Sign Of Evil
Some things should better rest in peace ...

When Sodom in 1984 had their first release with the EP „In The Sign Of Evil“, the reviews were disastrous. Today this EP is a cult-must-have and inspired a lot of Black Metal bands.

Because of this cult thing Sodom re-recorded those five EP tracks and added another seven ... more/mehr


Sodom In War and Pieces
Those who buy a CD of Sodom know what they want: old school Thrash Metal, it´s right into your face, no experiments whatsoever like Kreator dared to do in the 90s. And to immediately answer the most important question: Also „In War and Pieces“ sounds 100% Sodom! But still, there is a clear difference between this brand new album ... more/mehr



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English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll