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Stormwarrior Heading Northe
Grab your sword and head towards the North – well, the band name and the album title give you a very good idea of what to expect here. Melodic powerful Viking Metal, with obvious musical roots in German 80´s Speed Metal, e.g. Blind Guardian, Running Wild or Helloween (the Kai Hansen era). Yet singer Lars Ramcke, despite his high ... more/mehr


Straight Opposition Step by Step
The translation follows soon! The editors ... more/mehr


Strangeways Perfect World
This is a reunion that many AOR fans have waited for. Strangeways and Terry Brock have finally found together again. When Terry Brock left in the late 80s the band decided to continue without him. His spot was taken by Ian Stewart, who already played guitar in the band. During that time three albums were produced, they, however, ... more/mehr


Strapt Los Anarchy Chaosfornia
Hard rock, metal, punk, hip hop. This is the mixture that is Strapt. The six guys from Los Angeles are best compared to bands like Cypress Hill and Guano Apes. In 2004 they toured Europe alongside Snoop Dog and they managed to draw attention to themselves for the first time. There's not much to say about the album „Los Anarchy Chaosfornia“. ... more/mehr


Stratovarius Elysium
The follow up record to the 2009 album Polaris is pretty impressive. Elysium is already Stratovarius´ second album after founding member Timo Tolkki left the band in 2008. Already on Polaris it became clear that the band is pretty capable of coping with the loss and that they can be successful without Tolkki, too.

And so, ... more/mehr



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Faith No More
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