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Swallow The Sun Emerald Forest and the Black Bird
This is what fans of Finnish melancholy have been waiting for anxiously - as this 5th STS album took more than 2 years to follow the "New Moon" release. And the question if STS have turned to other musical genres in the meantime - Reggae? Fun-Punk? - can be answered with a clear "No". There have been some changes, however...

The ... more/mehr


Sweet November One
The band info tells you that this Swiss quintet has been in the music business for a long time and want to make a point with this band founded in January 2009, now releasing their self-produced debut "One". That hints to the AOR style that is to be expected - only for people who can hardly bear Bon Jovi´s musical brutality. The band ... more/mehr


Swelter Tremendous Ride
If you believe band name, album title and cover (very "original" with flames, skull, car and half-naked lady wearing a cowboy hat),you are about to have a heavy sweaty ride. Well, after a promising intro and the opening of the title track "Tremendous Ride" you are beginning a rather bumpy ride on the sound-landscape that offers off-road ... more/mehr


Swärdh Hymns from Riverland (promo)
As they say themselves, they are here on earth to save humankind from false metal (didn´t Manowar try to do just that years ago?), like for example death metal. Swärdh take you on a journey way beyond modern metal. Having read that, one thing´s for sure, I need to listen to this album with my own ears.

One thing is clear ... more/mehr


Sycronomica Sycroscope
A big punch in the face, this is what the third Album of SYCRONOMICA causes. The Sound comes powerfully from the songs pending between BORKNAGAR („Realm of dust and ashes“) and SATYRICON. Shouter Oliver grouls like no one else while drummer Michael punishes hit Drumming-kit, and the guitars vary between technologically advanced level ... more/mehr



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