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Katatonia / Alcest / Junius Helsinki
Not too many years ago, gigs in Helsinki would invariably start late - so late that the coice between missing the encore and missing the last tram was the rule rather than the exception. Fortunately things have changed, but then again, nowadays the problem is sometimes the opposite. Last weekend at Circus, the first band played a ... more/mehr


Katatonia / The Man-Eating Tree Helsinki
Basically I just attend this show only because of the opening act, as I´m not quite into the headliner tonight.
I´m also curious about the relatively new Circus Club which I have never seen from the inside, and I have to admit it was a nice surprise, the entrance and the concert hall look very nice, and all those lights and ... more/mehr


Khroma / Nightsatan / The Physicists Helsinki
Being the official Khroma “Collapse” album release bachanal and also the first gig of their upcoming European tour, this was one of the gigs not to miss, although it took an effort to arrive punctually, as it started already pretty early for a Helsinki weekend event...

A bit unfortunate for The Physicists was ... more/mehr


Killswitch Engage | Twelve Tribes | All That Remains Essen
"A Bid Farewell“ was the opening song and apparently very well known to the audience. Everyone was growling along with the chorus and the shouts of the band were considerably louder and more haunting than on the record, which was very impressive! Nothing to complain about, as far as the vocals are concerned, either. No one really ... more/mehr


Kings of Modesty Helsinki
Warming up for the upcoming tour, those 5 Kings of Modesty guys appear on the On the Rocks stage and also present a part of their debut album. We have already presented this band to you through an interview with singer Jason Flinck here. The long awaited debut ... more/mehr



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Blind Guardian / Orphaned Land
True Detective
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