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Pain / Zonaria Saarbr點ken
Pain have been ominpresent this summer, nearly no festival where Peter and his band didn磘 play. For all, who still didn磘 have a chance to see them live or simply can磘 get enough, there磗 yet another chance to see them on the actual tour.

A concert during the week is always an exasperating thing. How exasperating it is, ... more/mehr


Pain of Salvation / Anneke van Giersbergen / 羠st眇ir Essen
After three weeks of touring across Europe, Pain of Salvation arrived in Essen last Sunday, bringing along an original 70s living room as stage decoration, accompanied by Anneke van Giersbergen and 羠st眇ir. They invited us to an evening with friends and acoustic music and I already guessed that this would be something special. I ... more/mehr


In Germany rocks the Pop. Carsten Pape is otherwise known in front of 60,000 fans in the HSV-Arena with fellow Lotto King Karl celebrating the anthem "Hamburg, meine Perle" (Hamburg, my pearl). In the 80s he was with his Neue Deutsche Welle-band, Clowns&Helden one of the main acts, and his hit 揑ch Liebe Dich" circulated ... more/mehr


Paradise Lost Hamburg
Paradise Lost shows are always a great experience, but the last gig at Markthalle that I attended for you it was quite different. It took me about 50 days and many hours in therapy sessions to find back to reality. That is also the reason why this review took a while. Whatever, here it is:

Paradise Lost have been around ... more/mehr


Paradise Lost / Godsplague Helsinki
Well, what can you do 6 days before X-mas? Buying presents, get shit-faced at a Christmas-party or simply watch Paradise Lost at Nosturi. Like already three years ago the 5 Englishmen dared to come to the Finnish capital in dark and cold December to deliver the soundtrack of winter.

But before them the Finns of ... more/mehr



Aktuellste Rezensionen
Big Wreck
Gothic Visions V
As You Wish
Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride
Blind Guardian / Orphaned Land
True Detective
English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock磏磖oll