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A Million Miles Hamburg
Sunset ... and the sheep nibble the grass...

At the dike - "on the Peute" in Veddel, in the south of Hamburg - a blue sky reflects in the cymbals of the drums which belongs to the equipment of the band A Million Miles .

"Stoner metal" calls the group their sound. For weeks, announced ... more/mehr


A Million Miles + The Very End Hamburg
A Million Miles have already earned their name by touring tirelessly in the recent years and have made it last year even to the Wacken festival. Not quite as significant as Wacken, but popular in Hamburg as a venue for small live acts is the Bar 227, the place A Million Miles have chosen for celebrating their ... more/mehr


A Million Miles, Dad Maria, Casket Hamburg
Hamburg, Prinzenbar - in a club in which normally quiet tunes are connected with cozy seating areas and the morbid-special atmosphere of a Baroque catacomb, something happened that had never been before there: thick, nasty metal should beaten around the ears of the audience.

First up was the band Casket ... more/mehr


A Taste of Chaos: In Flames, Killswitch Engage etc Oberhausen
As the today´s evening proves, In Flames have finally established in the Champions League of hard music. The Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, which belongs with its capacity of about 4000 people to the bigger concert halls, has to put the "Sold Out!" sign on the door. Many other great bands did not achieve this yet here (e.g. Keator ... more/mehr


Accept / Damnation Day Osnabrück
After a hiatus of more than 10 years, Accept are came back with a bang! With their new vocalist Mark Tornillo they released 3 great albums in only 4 years. And the band also plays live shows on a regular basis. We checked their current form in Osnabruck.

It is 19:00 h on a Sunday evening when I arrive at the Hyde Park in ... more/mehr



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Loputon Gehennan Liekki
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English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll