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Subway to Sally - Nackt Akustik Tour 2006 Osnabrück
It is an early Friday evening in Osnabrück and the sun peeps occasionally through the clouds. Most people just come from work and are looking forward to their free weekend. So simply a normal Friday evening, except for this crowd, many dressed in black, waiting in front of
Lutherkirche. Passers-by wonder if there was a funeral ... more/mehr


Sugarplum Fairy Bochum
Bochum Total has evolved into the greatest music festival in the Ruhr area, with attendances between 650.000 and 850.000 people. Nevertheless, there are not only big names to be found , it is still a platform for musical border line experiences and experiments. Also this year the bookers had a sure feeling and hired the Swedish Sugarplum ... more/mehr


Sunrise Avenue - Big Band Theory Tour 2013 / Superscar Turku
Sunrise Avenue hasn´t been touring in Finland that much, they´ve been traveling around Central Europe this past year, playing at clubs and festivals. So it was a real treat to hear that the 2013 international tour would start in Finland, offering something different. Because now the Sunrise Avenue guys have “a Big Band Theory”. And ... more/mehr


Sunrise Avenue / Christian Venus Pratteln
The career of Sunrise Avenue developed like in a fairy tale, and they captured many hearts, no matter if young or rather senior ones. Due to many appearances on TV practically everybody knows those likable Finns. Therefore it was no surprise that many people have gathered in front of Z7, but two things stick out: First, it partly ... more/mehr


Sunrise Avenue / Jim Kroft Pratteln
That was indeed a warm welcome for the Finns Sunrise Avenue in Switzerland: +18 C and a day off in Bern, before they played 3 sold-out shows. Their last visit at Pratteln was 4 years ago (Stalker reviewed the concert here ). In comparison to ... more/mehr



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Donald Cumming
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