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Children of Bodom | Ektomorf | One Man Army and the Undead Quartet in Berlin Berlin
Darkness and chilling cold marked the beginning of the Children of Bodom gig in the center of Berlin. In front of Columbiahall gathered a lot of fans despite the „Finnish“ cold. Not quite punctually the doors opened after 19 h, and the show started already at 20 h. One Man Army entered stage first and warmed up for Ektomorf with ... more/mehr


Children of Bodom | Ektomorf | One Man Army and the Undead Quartet in Hamburg Hamburg
You hear an old lady complaining as she walks her dog on early evening in the inner city and she has to squeeze through masses of black-dressed, Metalheads and gothic girls who wait in front of Hamburger Markthalle. But as she gets some evil eyes she prefers to walk little Fifi on the other side of the street. The reason of this ... more/mehr


Children of Bodom | Ensiferum | Machinae Supremacy in GER Hamburg
Already before the official start at 20:00h, the first band Machinae Supremacy was on stage. When our crew member Ozzy returned from his interview with Jaska Raatikainen of Children of Bodom and I finally reached the photo pit, the last notes were played. What a bummer.



Circle II Circle / The Prowlers/ Manticora Pratteln
After those boring days at home, with only this icehockey championship to watch on TV and getting angry about the fact that battles you would like to see were not shown, there was finally something to do. Zak Stevens, one of the most gifted Metal singers, came back to town with his band.

The Prowlers

This ... more/mehr


Circle II Circle | Savage Circus | Tomorrow`s Eve | Tempesta Pratteln
The US American Zachary Stevens had been to this Swiss club for the fifth time in three years, and so it could only be great. He and his guys are always welcome, and I am sure that many fans remember those good old days with Zak still singing for Savatage and Thomen Stauch (Savage Circus) drumming for Blind Guardian...

This ... more/mehr



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English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll