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Horny Pancakes
STALKERs Fresh Act - May 2006

They call their music “High Energy Rock” which quite sufficiently describes what you can expect listening to “Horny Pancakes”. Hard Rock mixed with Punk Rock and a nice Metal attitude performed by four newcomers who, in our opinion, should be checked out. Therefore we´d like to introduce the guys from German Flensburg.

First the bandname. That sounds a bit naughty, like American Pie..
We didn´t want to express our sexual or culinary preferences – we didn´t want to say anything at all. We just needed a name and picked it from a dictionary. We thought it´s funny.

You are a quite young band. When did you start playing?
1999 Matze (singer, guitar player and lyrics writer) and HaiNo (bass) founded the band. After some troubles the rest of the line-up was completed with Sören (drums) and Onno (guitar). Now all that´s missing is a label...

Why do you think you are interesting for a label?
We feel confident about our music. We rock. We give it all. We would go through fire and water for each other and our music. We are ambitious. And we´re uncomplicated. That´s what we have to mention!

Describe your own music in your own words.
We find the term „High Energy Rock“ the most effective to describe our music. Our roots are Punk´n´Roll and Hard Rock, but there are definitely some Metal-influences as well. Actually we don´t try to be linked to a particular musical style. We go with the flow, whatever comes out of our moods jamming at rehearsals.

Is there something you want to express with your music?
What you always want to achieve is to inspire the audience. Our lyrics are very personal and are based on our experiences – therefore people could identify more easily with all those ups and downs that life has to offer – all that passion and energy that lies behind that. People should take their chances with both hands and make all possible experiences, that is what we want to say.

Good luck with that!
We hope to meet a lot of readers at our shows and to offer a real entertaining evening! Therefore also thanks for the interview! Rock on!

Website of the band:
Current release: The Pursuit Of Happiness (CD)

Author: Fabian Zühlsdorff, Photos: Sebastian Gram, Translation: Klaudia Weber
Date: 2006-05-15

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