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Barcode | Crushing Caspars | Lunacy | Killercharger | Have a Seat

Stadt / City Althofen 
Land / Country Österreich 
Datum / Date13.04.2007 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Barcode_2007 

Fatal day or not, on Friday 13th I just had to go to Althofen (AUT) to see the Hardcore night with Barcode. The Location Endorphin turned out to be a small cosy Metal bar.

After a very amusing sound check with Killercharger-vocalist Daniel theLunacy guys entered the small stage, playing Death Metal with nice melodic elements. Singer Stefan did his best for a good show, yet this cannot be said about the bass and the guitar player, they hardly ever moved.

The Carinthians Have a Seat had not quite their best day. Their mixture of Hardcore and Thrash elements had worked much better last time when they played in Klagenfurt.

Crushing Caspars were completely unknown to me but acted very professional. The quartet from Rostock played their Hardcore Punk (they call it “Baltic Sea Hardcore”) first without any people in front of the stage but soon dragged people away from the bar. A few funny statements and invitations to form a moshpit soon had the place fill up and action going on. The fans were warmed up indeed. The Dutch band Backfire should have been next, but they cancelled the tour.

After a short break the headliner Barcode from Denmark entered stage, and this band should be well-known to Hatespere fans. This side-project of Hatesphere vocalist Dr. J, who plays guitar for Barcode, made people dance, four people formed a tiny moshpit that caught singer Graveyard´s attention. Basically I am not such a Hardcore fan, but Barcode and their fast songs with Thrash elements will certainly appeal to some Metal fans, too.

Most people left after this show, thinking the event was over. But no, Killercharger still played their songs. Finally a chance for the barkeeper to walk in front of the stage for some headbanging. However, this sinister Thrash Metal with Daniel´s growling could no longer move the audience which was too tired from jumping around with those Hardcore acts

Summary: A nice Hardcore night in a very appealing location, and also prices (ticket and all merchandise for 10 €) were absolutely OK.

Christian Girstmair, transl. Klaudia Weber

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