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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Titel / Title Snapshot Lamento 
Label Winged Skull 
Total run time

Luxembourg belongs to those kind of countries of which you only know that they exist somewhere and of Luxembourgian metal bands you´ve heard only in fairytales. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep are from Luxembourg and furthermore, they also play in a metal band, who would have considered that possible? The band name was taken from the science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick of the same name, which was, as “Blade Runner”, also made into a movie by Ridley Scott. With such an ambitious band name also the music has to be a little more challenging, and thus not only the usual lyrics, but also thoughts and explanations to the single songs are provided in the booklet, which is definitely necessary with those lyrics. Musically the band plays on their first full-length album “Snapshot Lamento” a mix of slightly proggy hardcore and screamo/emo. The (pseudo)-intellectual aspiration of the band is highlighted by recurring spoken text passages und samples, which give the whole thing a dose of “seriousness”. If they would concentrate more on the actual songs then this could be the beginning of something.

Kathleen Gransalke

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