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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Boris Gott

Titel / Title Bukowski-Land 
Label Langstrumpf Records / Cargo 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

„Bukowski Land“ by Boris Gott was produced and recorded by him and bass player Stefan Zacharias at Studio 27 in Dortmund, and the focus is obviously the lyrical aspect of music. Texts like „give me booze and cocaine, life stinks, I need perfume“ or song titles like „Borderline Blues“ indicate that this is an artist who gives clear statements about his thougts. And his thougts deal with life as such, the darker aspects of it, everyday issues, alcohol and problems, but also love. Gott´s big idol is Charles Bukowski who named the album. And if you know this author you will realize that he is not only the ideological influence on Gott´s thoughts but also responsible for the way they are expressed. He tackles important social and problematic issues directly and with explicit language, but still keeps some humour and on a high level. And he makes fun of himself, which appeals to the listener.

A mixture of Alternative Rock, Pop and plain Folk music can be found on „Bukowski-Land“. Boris Gott is a songwriter using an unusual Line-Up: besides singer and guitarist Bors, a drummer and a bass player there are various brass instruments, mouth organ, jew´s harp and melodika. As soon as you got used to it you are not surprised about the coverversion of Kraftwerk´s „Das Modell“. Besides this band also the Spider Murphy Gang were inspirational for the artist from Dortmund.

If you don´t expect high virtuosity or a lot of variety of a good album, I can recommend this CD just because of the rhetoric.

Melanie Sindel, transl. K. Weber

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