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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Kunn & The Magic Muffins

Titel / Title Don`t Burn My Paradise 
Label Winged Skull / Radar 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

Who doesn´t associate this band name at once with drugs and party-music? As name and cover already indicate, „Don´t Burn My Paradise“ features cheerful Ska. The band themselves define their sound as Jazz with elements of Tango, Samba, Rocksteady and Northern Soul.

The band from Luxembourg have a smooth start and continue with a rather Ska-untypical slow tempo. A brass fraction and the light mood give a certain Caribbean flair.

However, the vocals sound strange because of the strong accent and destroy some of the atmosphere. Yet this band surprises with original ideas and variety, and they put a quite fast and rocking song in between, or have a smooth ballad like „Dem People“, or put female voices to „Mother Nature“. Basically you can say that Kunn & The Magic Muffins stick to the classic Ska pattern. That means, there are not so many surprises, but the musicians know what they are doing. It is obvious that those are professionals who know their job. Some excourses to Reggae or Jazz add to Kunn & The Magic Muffins` flavour and avoid the danger of monotony.

And if you want to flee from the stress around you or a bad day, "Don`t Burn My Paradise" would be the ideal soundtrack.

Melanie Sindel, transl. K. Weber

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