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Anathema | In Slumber | Mely | Beyond the Void

Stadt / City Salzburg 
Land / Country AUT 
Datum / Date02.06.2007 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Anathema07 

Beyond the Void
This band from Munich was the first of three support acts, starting punctually. Their music reminds me very much of HIM. Singer Daniel created a nice calm melancholic atmosphere. One of their songs with some Jazz influences even inspired me to move a bit. Well, I don´t really like HIM and so I went to the bar. Yet fans of that sound obviously liked this band, because I could hear the cheers even at the bar.

This experienced band from Carinthia has a busy time now, many gigs and a new album in the making which should be due this year, hopefully. Andi (voc, git), his brother Martin on keyboard, Pantene Pro-V Pete (git), Helmut (dr) and Daniel (b) play modern emotional Gothic Rock, including some real heavy parts, too. Fans seemed to remember the band from last time in Salzburg (Moonsorrow-support), because when Martin played a distinctive tune during soundcheck, you could hear people shouting “Mely”. The 30 min show (no more playtime for support bands) was ingenious, Andy kept contact with the audience, literally, standing at the edge of the stage when he was not singing. And this time Martin had put up his keyboard on the left side ... :P

In Slumber
The world is so small. I knew that this band has Thirdmoon members in the line up, but was surprised to see on stage with them also the boss of a company where I applied for a job about 2 years ago :) They played exactly this kind of music I like, dirty but not brainless Death Metal, real Metal heavy-weights, and the band seemed to enjoy that they stuck out of the other bands. A great show, and it is worth to check out this band also at Metalcamp.

Who had experienced a lot of ups and downs, do not play conventional music but perform a culinary sound-backdrop, just like Pink Floyd. They experiment with sound elements and create a calm meditative mood, and indeed I meditated, almost for two hours ;P

But from the beginning: It started mystically, a dark empty stage was lit with violet light, you could see shadows moving on stage, and people started cheering. Gentle keyboards, then drums that became louder, then the mystic voice of Vincent, indeed ear candy. It was the song “Balance”, becoming more and more aggressive and rocking and then ending abruptly. “Closer”, one of my favorites, was next: Distorted vocals with a nice keyboard tune and drums getting louder and louder, it just gave me goose flesh.

After 90 min in wonderland Lee came on stage and sang e.g. the ballad “A Natural Disaster”. Later another ballad, “Flying”, was added, played hypnotically slow. After two encores the concert was over, finally... don´t get me wrong, but almost 2 hours of Anathema are... well... a bit long :D

A fantastic headliner and great support acts that fit the concept, with the exotic In Slumber stirring it up a bit. I personally have problems with Anathema as a live-band, which I saw for the first time. It is difficult to follow the music if someone pushes you all the time, you cannot focus. Therefore I prefer to listen to them at home, with a big joint ... of mutton ;P

I enjoyed the light effects a lot, they were missing last time at Rockhouse Salzburg, big thanks to the light engineers. The evening had been perfect, if Mely and In Slumber had had a longer – and Anathema a shorter – playtime... (another big thanks to Mely who again transported fans including me with their buses to Salzburg)

Christian Girstmair, transl. K. Weber

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