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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

V.A. - Modern Noise Sampler

Titel / Title Modern Noise # 25 
Label Modern Noise 
Total run time
73:29 + DVD 
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

For the 25th time now the Modern Noise sampler is released, and this time one audio CD bulging with material just wasn´t good enough, and so another DVD was simply added to the package. Because of the cooperation with the Swedish label Dead Frog Records and the Japanese Label In & Out Records the record features quite an international ensemble of artists and so there are besides Swedes and Japanese (that goes without saying) also Italians, Americans, Canadians, Aussies and Englishmen musically united – for the most part, however, the bands hail from Germany. Half of the material consists of previously unreleased or hard to obtain songs, and thus there are amongst others on the DVD besides regular music videos, which one otherwise wouldn´t hardly have the chance to see on music tv, also unplugged live versions. Genre-wise there´s plenty on offer and so the presented spectrum ranges from pop-punk over indie to straight forward rock. Also from a chronological standpoint the CD is harmoniously arranged and so the boys and girls of the indie formation Rocket Uppercut give the starting signal with their song “The arrival” and the punks from Green Frog Feet finish off the sampler with “The Last Song”, in between there are a couple of treats for one or the other alternative music lover. Recommendable!

Kathleen Gransalke

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