STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title CEREBRAL heART 
Label Myphonic Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

That Italy has more to offer musically than Eros Ramazzotti and Zuchero is already known since Lacuna Coil and now also IncomingCerebralOverdrive are set to make your cappuccino splash out of your ears again. Their debut album “CEREBRAL heART”, recorded already in 2006, was mixed by none other than Kurt Ballou, known as guitarist of hardcore veterans Converge, in the States which already points out the international ambitions of the band. Memorable synth sequences and riffs run through the single songs giving them structure and make them stick to your cerebrum. Vocally there are, besides the typical hardcore shouts, also clean vocals with some songs, they still sound, however, a little “weak-chestedly”. Genre-wise you could define it as hardcore, or by their own account “spaghetti-core” with prog elements that demand a certain attention from the listener. Potentially a great album!

Kathleen Gransalke

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