STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Skeletons 
Label DR2 / Intergroove 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

That living as the leader of the (teenage-) Horror Punk fun party is not always as funny as the gigs show - especially if you take your "too much blood in my alcohol system" - slogan too seriously - is a hard lesson Wednesday 13 had to learn. After a car and several "system" crashes he finally got the insight that a life without alcohol is maybe not that much fun anymore, but much more healthy. Thank God, or do you really want to miss a fourth album because of a "died too soon"?

But now straight forward to the third solo-CD of the Murderdolls shouter, and this is an unusual dark self-reflexion about the problems mentioned above, and others resulting from it. The last Marilyn Manson output has shown that this can be go horribly wrong, especially if you have to face the narrow expectations of your fans of how a CD "has to be". Therefore also here will be (fan) losses for sure, people thinking there's not "enough fun" on "Skeletons".

The main essence of the album are the two ballads "Skeletons" and "My demise", soft yes, but creepier than any serial killer horror movie. "A rabbit in the hat" and "With friends like these" follow the lyrical path of these songs but packed into the more typical musical frame. But don`t worry, Mr. 13 hasn`t lost his morbid humor at all, as the rest of the record shows: with "Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie bloodshed" and "Put your death mask on" he created two of the best party-killer-songs of his career, and "Not another teenage anthem" is of course the opposite of what the title indicates.

Those, who aren`t afraid to take a look behind the mask of the everlasting jester and who always loved W13 because of his morbid lyrics will be very happy with "Skeletons". All the others will have to continue dreaming of a second Murderdolls CD.

Marie - Luise Führ

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