STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Tremendous Ride 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

If you believe band name, album title and cover (very "original" with flames, skull, car and half-naked lady wearing a cowboy hat),you are about to have a heavy sweaty ride. Well, after a promising intro and the opening of the title track "Tremendous Ride" you are beginning a rather bumpy ride on the sound-landscape that offers off-road only a few variations.

The song structure seems simple, there´s a lack of refinement, power, spontaneity and variaton (in terms of vocals and guitarwork). Yet this debut CD of this young band from Fulda, Germany, isn´t bad at all. They have a feeling for catchy tunes, but due to the lack of power and ideas it becomes quickly a bit dull. They are still far off their own definition "Heavy ass-kickin Metal!"

This CD is nice to be played in the background, as something in between or when it´s bed time. Perhaps with the next album they put in more fuel and dare to drive into new sound territory, as they definitely have potential.

Ulrike Schneider

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