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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


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Epigones are imitators, without original ideas. Why does a band call itself like that?- Maybe because of knowing that every kind of musical expression had been there before. And EPIGON know that.
However, EPIGON made a mixture of styles, like rock, funk, pop-music with real poetry, not only lyrics. It sounds good, what they made and with their own trademark. Nothing new, but nothing copied and nothing mainstream, but absolutely chart-suitable.
EPIGON think about life, their music and lyrics and you can hear that. It is reflected in their lyrics. Sometimes it seems to be a little bit too artificial ( lyrically ) and too conceptual. But ok, it is actually their beginning and you should take a look at the things about to follow, if you want, and if you like it softer.

Holger Hofmann

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