STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Hellcity Punks

Titel / Title Result in Disaster 
Label none 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

The debut EP of the Hellcity Punks, STALKERs Fresh Act in September 08, has the meaningful motto “of life, mistakes and misfortune” and with that it´s already clear what to expect musically and lyrically. The four “fast & furious” songs all feature catchy choruses which, at least after the second play, you can´t get out of your head anymore but they can also do it slow and so with the aptly named “Girl Who Played With Fire” you have a real lighters-in-the-air moment. The guys know how to appeal with their punky hardcore refined with “morbid” lyrics but with titles like „Destination O.D.“ or „God Bless The Drug” this CD probably belongs to those you have to hide from your parents. One little minus are the vocals, which especially with “Girl…” seem very vulnerable and thereby show certain vocal limitations. Nevertheless the band has potential and it remains to wish that they soon bring trouble also to places outside of Finland.

Kathleen Gransalke

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