STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title - same - 
Label Rise Above 
Total run time

This 5- Track CD by one of the bands of Rise Above is a nice delicacy. Let’s put it this way: what Diagonal play is a diversified progressive Rock with Jazz influences, and they do not deter from using acoustic guitars - therefore this CD convinces in terms of playing as well as songwriting.

Noticeable is furthermore that despite of the confusing, a bit abstract passages a lot of catchy tunes are included in the songs, which sometimes bring tears of joy into your eyes. That is the way it is should be!
The reference to the early seventies might be from interest, because it polishes the introverted songs. The band amuses us, they rock, and so I say: well done!

Markus Seibel

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