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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Lamb Of God

Titel / Title Wrath 
Label Roadrunner Records 
Total run time

"Wrath" is the name of the latest Lamb of God album - the name is the motto, in the truest sense of the word. Pretty impressive how hell breaks lose after this wonderfully calm intro "The Passing". After a somewhat more melodic album, they´re now walking on the brutal path. Obviously there´s someone, who has to get rid of a lot of wrath in form of great thrash passages chopped with breaks and all that, where you can clearly see, that LOG are still one of the bands of the so called NWOAHM. As rough as this might sound, there´s something this album surely is not: completely senseless brutality - since you can immediately recognize their feeling for captivating songwriting and apart from that, the quintet from Richmond, Virginia is a bunch of talented musicians. Lots of wrath unleashed in songs like "Set To Fail" or the following "Contractor" but they never forget the "calmer" parts to show how strong they´re with ballads and the like ("Grace") or with groovy stuff ("Dead Seeds"). It's great to see, that there are still bands out there, who don´t stick to their style, just to sell lots of records, but dare to do a "step back" or simply try different stuff. Even though they might lose some fans, who don´t get along with the "new" style. For me this is definitely already among the top albums of the year! Those of you, who haven´t checked them out so far, should definitely give "Wrath" a try.

And another enthusiastic STALKER:
Lamb of God is thankfully continuing on what it does best; technical guitars and kick-ass drums accompanied with great vocals. The new album is not perfect, but somewhat close to it. After listening to the album a couple of million times for reviewing purposes, I feel like listening purely for enjoying the music. The drummer, Chris Adler had stated that the new album would be heavier, and that it is.

One thing which must be said of the album is that there are some parts which sound like they were purposely made for moshpits; the riffs are hammered down with wrath and one can taste the rage in the air. Though Word refuses acknowledge the word “moshpit”, the songs will produce many.

Some tracks on the record are great, for instance “Set to Fail”. The alternating tempo keeps one glued into the song, the chorus is catchy and instrumentally it is great. In songs like “Grace” the technicality of LoG shines through perfectly with wonderfully interwoven drums and guitars. A humour element is also found within the album, more specifically in the 4th track, “Contractor”. The track starts off with a hillbilly whoop and strange as it seems, some of the riffs somehow sound jovial and the sounds here show similarities to Zimmer´s Hole.

The album as a whole has its defects. On occasion it is too easy to forget that the album is playing; where is succeeds in drawing in the attention, it similarly fails to hold on to the attention of the audience. Probably the most common err for LoG has been its tendency for repetitiveness, the lack of differentiation between the songs. Sadly most of the songs which differ the most -like Fake Messiah- are also the worst; they´re definitely not horrible though.

In the end, there are some twists in listening to the latest production of a bigger band; the expectations are higher and the pressure grows. The classic example is what happened to Metallica after the Black Album; compared to their previous greatness, the fall was pure horror. In comparison to their older albums, “Wrath” is good, but not the pinnacle of their production because I believe that with their capabilities, they could produce even better results. Huge props are due to the fact that after gaining fame, Lamb of God had the option of going softer to reach the commercial dollars, but they chose to go the pure way. If you like the band, you must get the album; though it has its defects, it has moments of pure genius. (Ozzy Aikas)

Cornelia Wickel, Ozzy Aikas

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