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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Does You Inspire You 
Label Kanine Records / SONY MUSIC 
Total run time

Chairlift come from the USA. The band includes Aaron Pfennigs (vocals, guitar), Caroline Polachek (vocals, Tambourine, synthesizer) and Patrick Wimberly (drums, bass, keyboards). From their new album "Does You Inspire You" you should already know one song at least..." Bruises "- cause it was in the Apple commercial for the iPod Nano. Yes, exactly, that’s an indication for of what musical genre we are talking about: Pop. Indie-pop to put it exactly.

Therefore the disc doesn’t hit my taste (and sure also not the one of most Stalker- readers) at all. Yet you have to credit that the whole thing is pretty well produced (very nice focus on the crystal-clear voices) and also some catchy tunes, which even I couldn’t resist trying. Text and melodies are quite simple, but have high recognition value. Simply a matter of taste then - just YouTube and listen.

Henrik Detjen

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