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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

The Project Hate MCMXCIX

Titel / Title The Lustrate Process 
Label Vic Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

Long titles, even longer songs – this seems to be the motto on „The Lustrate Process“, the sixth album of The Project Hate MCMXCIX and so already with the very first, almost 13-miunute long song “Descend into the Eternal Pits of Possession“ the band already exceeds the 3:30 sound barrier of a radio-compatible song. Radio airplay is surely not the main goal of this death metal band from Sweden who seem to have designed this record around the Ying Yang principle: on one side there are epic sounds with clean female vocals by Jonna Enckell, which are, however, pretty close to this horrible operatic tweeting, atmospheric keyboard segments and melodic guitars, on the other side it´s getting heavy with hammering drums, evil growls by Jörgen Sandström (and several guest singers including Amon Amarth´s Johan Hegg and Entombed´s L.G. Petrov) and heavy riffs, amongst others Mike Wead lets his fingers slide over the strings. In addition there´s one or the other electronic sample.

Maybe it´s a bit like the heavier version of Lacuna Coil or The Gathering. But in contrast to those bands you can´t really remember any of the songs on “Lustrate Process” later on. But maybe you only need some more time to “process” this album fully!?

Kathleen Gransalke

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