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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Richard Christ

Titel / Title - same -  
Label Killer Pool Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

The Pope deeply believes in it: Jesus Christ rocks. But here another one is meant: Richard Christ, who names his inner elements a mix of Barbie with the devil; according to the information on the Myspace-site living in Vatican City, too. His music: electro-rock made in Italy. And a musical parallel is easy to discover – Richard Christ formerly started as a Marilyn Manson-coverband. This debut bases on own compositions, but the past coins the identity including the Cross-Dress Cross-Over of the music likewise the visualisation: he calls it his mask. This mask covers the sound, too. It´s going about really hot driving Rock´n´Roll supported by electronic synths and programming. Even the old Blondie song “Call Me” gets a new chance to rock in a fresh style the dancefloor. The New Italo Electro Hardness polishes the Italian boot. “Depression” is a title, who builds an impressive gothic feeling through a melancholic, slow mood, which uncovers a different kind of atmosphere than before.

„Cross my spit and wash it with piss.“ The lyrics aren´t something the Pope really like to read. Snottily, cheekily, respectless, nevertheless not blessed by the depth of philosophy. Naughty, but already formerly known. The album still shows some weakness to remove from the influences of the mainstream idols or to develop them ahead. But it offers the potential that this could work in future. There is the energy and the band: three friends with special characters and profiles by themselves. It depends, how much autonomy is hidden behind the mask of Richard Christ and the glamorous skin of attitudes. The record was very well produced by Victor Love, the mastermind of the Dope Stars Inc., what explains the catchy ability to conquer the industrial and rock dancefloors. Let’s see, if the glittering life of Richard is able to squeeze out some more depth behind the mask. At all, it´s a cool album.


1. Eyes
2. An American Christ
3. Angel
4. Richard´n´roll
5. Fashion god
6. Call me
7. Space glamour
8. Depression
9. Revolution drugs
10. No way for you
11. Neodux
12. Grey day

Andreas Torneberg

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