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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

For Ruin

Titel / Title Last Light 
Label Self Release 
Total run time

For Ruin are a Melodic Black/Death Metal quartet hailing from Ireland. Having been in Terrorizer´s Top Ten list of "Best Unsigned Act" back in 2006, they scored a label contract for their debut album "December", that was released in autumn 2007 and highly acclaimed, despite low-budget production. Nevertheless, they decided to release their second album "Last Light" without pressure or support of a label. The artwork for the upcoming album has been done by well-known Irish artist Paul McCaroll, who´s also responsible for the artwork on CDs of bands like Primordial The artwork itself has been inspired by religious stuff like Catholic church (in Irish context) or failures of religions in general - that all is being processed in the song "In Suffering".
Those of you, who might now expect some Celtic influences or Irish sound in general on this CD will probably be disappointed, since the sound, you´ll hear will definitely be more Scandinavian than anything else.
They definitely know, how to combine wonderful melody lines with a decent portion of aggression, darkness and anger. Just listen to "Decline" and you´ll see what I mean. Apart from the fact, that they´ve been supporting Paradise Lost onstage, they also have similarities to their oldschool sound in their music or older Katatonia, to pick some Scandinavian sound-a-like. If someone ever doubted, that it is possible to sound modern, but have quite a lot of oldschool elements in the sound, well, here´s the proof that this actually works pretty well. Their sound is rough, raw and aggressive, yet pleasant to listen to. Melodies are included without making the whole mixture sounding too soft. It´s a mixture of various styles, various influences of different bands, yet this little something that would make them really stand out with their sound is missing. That all being said, please keep in mind, that this album is a self-release and then start imagining what they might do, when you give them more money for producing! All in all a very homogenous album with good ideas and surely worth listening.
In case you got curious now, pick up the record and use your chance to catch them live when they´ll embark on a tour through Europe at the end of this year/early 2010.

Cornelia Wickel

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