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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title In Blood And Heart 
Label Deity Down Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen 

Brutal music from The Netherlands keeps coming in constantly, thus I´m not amazed to hold yet another brutal records in my hands from quite a new band called Persistense. Well, to be exact, the band has been around for nine year already, but apart from a demo entitled "Persistense" in 2004, you won´t find anything, up till now, with the debut release "In Blood And Heart". Just on the margin, a short note on the bandname itself, it´s not written in a wrong way, rather a combination of the two words "persistent" and "intense". The group fell apart in 2005, but vocalist Stefan managed to gather some passionate musicians to records a 3-song Promo in 2008.
So how could you describe their sound? It´s some groove Thrash/Death, that is not presenting the usual kind of lyrics, but meaningful lyrics, since the band stresses, that it´s important to them to have recognizable songs, with decent structure and lyrics that fit the whole thing. If you like the vocals of bands like Pestilence or Asphyx, you´ll dig those on "In Blood And Heart" as well, since there´s similarities between the ones of Stefan and aforementioned bands - monotonous in a way, something which some people will surely dislike, but it fits the music, thus no complaints here. Thanks to the groovyness of the songs, it´s a pretty smooth listening and that makes the whole record quite enjoyable. One thing is for sure, there´s no really bad song from the opener "Further" till "Sick World, that is ending the album - brutalities and pretty headbangable riffs from beginning till end so to say.
Persistense surely didn´t invent the wheel, but are surely worth being checked out, since they deliver some quality material, along with nice ideas for songs and don´t have to hide from (debut) bands in this sector from elsewhere. Give them a try!

Cornelia Wickel

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