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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Der Blaue Reiter

Titel / Title Nuclear Sun 
Label Ars Musica Diffundere 
Total run time
54:22 min. 

Sathorys Elenorth and Lady Nott from Spain represent their third CD, which can’t be darker about one of the most terrifying accidents from the recent history: the catastrophe of Chernobyl, 26th April 1986; figuratively about the apocalypse itself - precipitated by the sin of presumptuousness - about the last days before a coming Armageddon. Since this terrible day 23 years passed by, but disasters like this can always happen, to every time, just now. Everybody can become a victim, everybody should feel involved. In the melancholic harmonies swings an icy tune, which makes freeze. The fright, the pain and the horror of this gone reality is not comprehensible for anybody, who hasn’t been there. To get inspired by this to music can be only explained to create a soundtrack about our daily ignorance and repression. It’s about a sunny summer day, which turns in a sudden to a grim ice age.

Sathorys Elenorth and Lady Nott worked among others at a project called „Narsilion“ with a music of Folk and Neoclassic using acoustical instruments like piano, violin, guitar and others, which also are employed on this record; a mixture together with collages of sound, voices, synthesizers and noise. „The Children of Chernobyl“ macabrely introduces with a Russian male choir, while the city of Pripiath prepares happily the public festival of the 1st of May, which never happened. On the festival ground still stands today the lonely giant wheel. A baby cries, children play… the collage of noises blend in sad music of piano, strings and church choir. „Fourth Reactor“ – in the fourth reactor, which exploded, still the workers are busy: a technical rhythm of metallic hammers are mixed with distorted scraps of Russian voices; the sound of a normality, which is condemned to death. „Radioactive“ starts with a silent piano solo, but hissing noises like breath of gas creep inside the song. An organ and harmonic orchestral arrangements accompany the finale days of this region. „The Last Days of Pripiath“ changes to an ambience of dread with the music of Albinonis “Adagio” in g-minor; horror spreads out his contaminated burial shroud over the country with a muted, gruesome tune. Even more scary the entry of a forceful Russian choir to the „1st of May“; like this the choir should have sang to the opening of the new fairground. The following part of the album uses orchestral lament, recitations and technical, mechanical, even military percussion and drives the subtle melancholy of the time before the accident to a field of dramatic, nightmarish scenery, while the “Liquidators” scarify their life’s to rescue the world.

Sathorys Elenorth and Lady Nott didn’t create an easy work. Their consternation is obviously to feel. On one hand they produced a requiem, on other hand a reflexion about the possibility of a forthcoming catastrophe; it happened, but it can happen again. This is an album, which conveys more than music only, but a moral and concrete concern. Nevertheless the music only by itself has its own emphatic intensity and generates imaginations of perturbation and irritations.

01. Main Titles (The Children of Chernobyl)
02. Fourth Reactor
03. Radioactive
04. The Last Days of Pripiath
05. 1st of May
06. The Fall of Light
07. Walking to the Abyss
08. Nuclear Sun
09. The Liquidators
10. End Credits (In Memoriam)

Andreas Torneberg

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