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- Rezension: KONZERTE - CONCERTS -

Arch Enemy / The Scourger

Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 

Datum / Date13.04.2008 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery ArchEnemy_2008 
Photos: Sabine Koch 

Sunday evenings are maybe not the best time for a concert, concerning that most people have to work Monday morning. But ARCH ENEMY are a good reason to start the week with a lack of sleep. Therefore the Tavastia was fairly filled, already during the support THE SCOURGER which really fired up the audience from the first second. Energetic and aggressive, singer Jari Hurskainen roared from the depth of his soul. Luckily his band members had to fear the whip he was swinging much more than the audience, but no one was injured and they just left behind a nicely warmed up audience.

During the support it already had been quite full, but for ARCH ENEMY the Tavastia was really packed with a crowd which enthusiastically welcomed the band. This great atmosphere was sustained during the whole show. No wonder with this hurricane on stage. Singer Angela Gossow is one of the few women which truly can smash nearly ever guy with her growls and shouts and this she proved here again. Really fascinating what kind of voice can come from such a small person. Anyway, on stage she is a complete insane berserk. Although Angela as frontwoman is a big part of the attention, she repeatedly stepped aside to let the others step to the front, not only during the solo parts. But especially during the solos every single band member could show his skills and had the stage for himself.

The drum solo of Daniel Erlandsson was really outstanding and impressive, whereas the guitarists showed more melodic and emotional sides of the band. In general it is definitely great that despite all the aggression, growling and shouting the music itself never lacks nice melodies. Definitely Arch Enemy know how to set the audience on fire and how to deliver a great performance. They played a great set, of course mainly with songs from the new album, but also from previous albums, even from the first one they had a song in their setlist. Finally, with the last of the regular set, Nemesis, which Angela devoted to the crowd, the atmosphere was on top. But after one encore everything was over. The band bid farewell with a nice bow and released a blissful audience.

And even if getting up on Monday was slightly difficult it was worth it!!!

Sabine Koch

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